Virginie Joulin, Biology and Health Thematic Coordinator and Action Manager in the Major Government Investment Programmes Division (DGPIE)
How did you start working at the ANR?
As Project Leader at Inserm, I have worked in several laboratories, over the past twenty years, learning different experimental approaches (molecular and cell biology, animal testing, cohort studies, etc.) and in different specialities. At Gustave Roussy, I wanted to give some of my time to management, to help researchers (institutional funding applications, implementation of joint services, etc.).
Then, I wanted to support research on a different scale. It turns out that a position opened at the DGPIE, meeting my exact needs: something highly multidisciplinary! I arrived at the ANR on 1 June 2013, as a Thematic Coordinator (TC) in Biology and Health, first at 50% of my time, then 80% when new calls for proposals were launched. I have also been appointed Action Manager for the past year.
What is your role at the ANR?
TCs are tasked with the scientific follow-up of each project, both annually and occasionally when, for example, a scientific objective changes. We are asked to draft scientific reports, thematic summaries, and end-of-project reviews. Our tasks also include implementing the recommendations made by Interministerial Steering Committees and the French General Secretariat for Investment and organising ex-post evaluations.
We also need to respond to requests for information from the French State, the French Parliament, and various inspections (about twenty since I arrived at the ANR) or take part in implementing future investment programmes. I am sure I am forgetting a few!
Finally, the Action Manager is responsible for setting up the call for proposals, organising the selection process (e.g., international jury), start up support for each project, the annual action review, mid- and end-of-term evaluations. I am still forgetting some!
What do you like the most about your position?
There are so many different tasks and questions asked that is such that every day is different from the next. Here, I fully serve Science: first and foremost, I work for researchers, for Research. National infrastructures in Biology and Health, Labex, Equipex and Equipex+ cohorts, etc. All these major national projects are essential: there were such gaps.