Transnational cooperation strategy
The ANR has continuously developed its transnational activity by implementing specific initiatives and instruments and through its involvement in various discussion and planning bodies. It has now become a major player in the construction of the European Research Area (ERA) and occupies a growing role on the international stage.
Supporting the excellence of French research in the European and international framework
Reinforcing the construction of the European Research Area and increasing the influence and attractiveness of national research are the main objectives of the ANR’s transnational cooperation strategy. In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Societal Challenges of the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, the objective is to coordinate research efforts to provide joint responses to global challenges that cannot be addressed solely at national level. This includes pooling technologies and resources, particularly in emerging fields or underdeveloped research topics, and sharing research and its costs to promote and accelerate the development of knowledge and innovation.
The Agency deploys specific initiatives and instruments that aim to:
- Support and reinforce the participation of French teams in European and international programmes,
- Foster the development of high-level research partnerships,
- Raise the profile and strengthen the influence of French research on the international stage.
Programming based on consultation
The ANR’s European and international initiatives are developed in coordination with its national actions within the framework of its overall programming. In consultation with institutional research players, the Agency establishes a Work Programme based on the outlines of the French National Research Strategy (SNR) defined by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI).
Initiatives aligned with the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
At European level, the ANR develops specific initiatives and funding instruments that complete and reinforce the initiatives conducted through the FPRI for the best possible coordination with existing funding provision within the European Union. The Agency is keen to promote collaborations between French teams and the best European teams. It defines its actions over the long term to help researchers put together lasting scientific networks and support the development of specific strategic research themes. In this context, the emphasis is placed on multi-year prioritisation of European activities and coordination between national and European measures.
International activity coordinated with other national actors
At international level, the ANR also leads initiatives that complement those conducted by research organisations, the MESRI and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) to ensure consistency among funding options. For example, the Agency offers provision for French scientific stakeholders that complements the initiatives put in place by research institutions focusing on mobility or networking, such as the Hubert Curien partnerships, International Scientific Cooperation Projects (PICS) and International Associated Laboratories (LIA).
Discover the ANR’s specific initiatives and funding instruments