France 2030

Created in 2010, the Investments for the Future programme (PIA) aim to stimulate employment, boost productivity and increase the competitiveness of French businesses by encouraging investment and innovation in priority sectors to drive growth.

The France 2030 programme, launched in 2021, continues the commitments of the PIAs and has a budget of €54 billion, including €20 billion from PIA 4.

More about France 2030:

The ANR, the national operator of France 2030 programme in the field of higher education and research

The French National Research Agency (ANR) is commissioned "to manage major government investment programs in the fields of higher education and research and to oversee their implementation" in accordance with the decree on the Agency's organisation and operation. The ANR was appointed in 2010 as the French government's operator for the actions of the Investments for the Future programme (PIA) and confirmed in the same role for the second programme in 2013, the third in 2017, and as part of France 2030 in 2021. This involves organising the selection, negotiating agreements, providing funding and monitoring, auditing and reviewing the impact of the projects and the activities of the programme in the field of higher education and research.

An agreement between the State and the ANR sets out for each action the framework for its financing and the operational modalities for its implementation.

Download the summary document of the State-ANR conventions

The France 2030 programme at the ANR

Managing France 2030 involves several specific requirements:

  • Reviews carried out by mostly international juries,
  • Selection criteria based on France 2030 priorities,
  • A final selection decided by the Prime Minister,
  • Large-scale training, research and infrastructure projects requiring significant credit allocations over more than 10 years.

PIA budgets entrusted to the ANR

PIA 1: €22.5 billion out of the programme's total of €35 billion

PIA 2: €4.5 billion out of the programme's total of €12 billion

PIA 3: €2.85 billion out of the programme's total of €10 billion

France 2030: More than €12 billion of the €54 billion program should be operated by the ANR.

Nearly 80 calls for proposals have been launched by ANR since 2010, and over 3,000 project proposals have been submitted.

By the end of 2021, the ANR's portfolios included 976 projects, giving rise to 2,840 site visits and 60 financial and accounting audits. 176 projects were closed.

View our news about France 2030

Last updated on 12 July 2024
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