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Self-organized multifunctional multi-material structures for LED lighting
In LED devices, many photons emitted by the source are not part of the final produced light due to internal reflective effects which trap them inside the luminescent coating associate to the device. These effects can be reduced through the surface patterning of coatings. The classical patterning methods offer great performances but are expensive and not suited for a large-scale use. This is why this project aims to develop ZnO/phosphor composite structures as a low cost and green alternative.
Impact of Prolonged Nicotine Exposure on the Adolescent and Adult Brain with Relevance for Psychiatric Disorders
Nicotine addiction is a chronic relapsing disorder associated with psychiatric comorbidities. The prognosis is notably bleak for most of adult smokers who began in adolescence, as early onset of nicotine use is associated with an increased risk of dependence throughout the lifetime. Vaping has emerged as an alternative nicotine delivery method immensely popular especially amongst adolescents. These increases in adolescent nicotine use stress the need for effective evidence-based interventions.
The Promises of Soil Carbon Sequestration: Innovations, Organisations, Knowledge
Aiming to balance greenhouse gas emissions and the sequestering capacities of non-atmospheric sinks, the Paris Agreement reached at the COP 21 in 2015 signals the new centrality of carbon sinks, including soils, as a key means of enabling climate stability. POSCA focuses on the rising promotion of soil as carbon sink in climate policies and how this is reconfiguring the way in which we come to know and manage soil.
Geothermal resources of crustal-scale fault zones: exploring new systems for competitive geothermal power production
Crustal fault zones (CFZ) correspond to permeability anomalies of crustal rocks. Instead of looking for temperature anomalies and artificially enhance the rock permeability, this project is focused on anomalously high permeability zones, where deep hot fluids naturally rise up to the subsurface. With a multidisciplinary approach on the Pontgibaud CFZ (Massif Central), the understanding of this hydrothermal system will be applied to european CFZ.
The HI-to-H2 transition in the high redshift Universe
Constraining the conversion from atomic to molecular gas at high redshift using absorption spectroscopy.
Silicon-based polymers by catalysed dehydropolymerisations
Manganese Antioxidants for Delivery to Gut and Inflammation Control: design and evaluation
Development of manganese-based catalytic antioxidants against oxidative stress in the context of intestinal inflammation; cellular and mice model studies.
Hybridation Technologique et Travaux Pratiques
on. Or, aux cours des années scolaires 2020-2021 et 2021-2022, beaucoup de ces enseignements n’ont r
Graduate School Université Grenoble Alpes
23 contrats doctoraux dédiés), sans exclusive. En 2021, la gouvernance politique et opérationnelle a été [...] vision inclusive : après l’ouverture de 10 PT en 2021-22, 14 en 22-23, ce sont 16 PT qui ouvrent en 23-24
Formations par la recherche en Santé et Industrie pour NANTES UNIVERSITE
premiers projets prévus dans TRITON et préparés depuis 2021. Quatre Ecoles Universitaires [...] Cursus Master-Doctorat (CMD) ouverts depuis septembre 2021 ont continué leur développement et ont accueillis