5th E-Rare Joint Transnational Call for European Research Projects on Rare Diseases
The ANR joins the ERA-NET E-Rare-2 to launch a fifth call for proposals to fund transnational research projects on rare diseases. Fourteen countries from the European Research Area and abroad are join
ERA-Net BiodivERsA 2
This call for proposals is open to scientific teams from 10 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Latvia, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, and Turkey) for a total budget of more th
Transnational call for proposals on nanomedicine through the ERA-NET EuroNanoMed II
The ANR is associated to the ERA-NET EuroNanoMed II to launch a fourth joint transnational call for proposals for funding of innovative research projects in Nanomedicine. Sixteen countries / r
Call for European research projects for the evaluation of health care policies, strategies and interventions of neurodegenerative diseases, in the context of JPND
The ANR joins the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) to launch a transnational call aimed at supporting transnational collaborations in the field of neurodegenerative disea
Call for European research projects for the identification of genetic, epigenetic and environmental risk and protective factors of neurodegenerative diseases, in the context of JPND
The ANR joins the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) to launch a transnational call aimed at supporting transnational collaborations in the field of neurodegenerative disea
Energy efficient and decarbonised systems (SEED)
The objectives of the SEED programme are organised around three thematic axes. The first one is aimed at improving the overall energy efficiency of industrial systems and units of primary energy p
Specific Support for Research Works and Innovation Defense (ASTRID)
The French National Research Agency (ANR) launches in partnership with the French armament procurement agency (DGA), the 2013 programme ASTRID "specific support scheme for research works and innovatio
Programme Retour Post-Doctorants (PDOC)
Le séjour postdoctoral, que les jeunes chercheurs français, mais aussi les jeunes chercheurs étrangers ayant soutenu leur thèse en France, ont la possibilité de faire hors de France, représente un ato
Digital Engineering & Security
The objectives of this research programme are the emergence of new paradigms, technologies, methods and tools to design digital systems consisting in integrated hardware and software where security, d
Materials and Processes for High Performance Products
The French National Research Agency (ANR) launches in 2013 a call for proposals within the framework of the “Materials and Processes for High Performance Products” programme. The aim of this programme