Past calls for proposals
Bâtie sur les enseignements tirés des actions « Equipements structurant pour la recherche » et « Programmes prioritaires de recherche » du PIA 3, l’action « Programmes et équipements prioritaires de recherche » (PEPR) vise à construire ou consolider un leadership français dans des domaines scientifiques liés ou susceptibles d’être liés à une transformation technologique, économique, sociétale, sanitaire, environnementale, etc, et considérés comme prioritaires aux niveaux national ou européen.
International call on Computational Neuroscience – NEUC 2022
ANR launches in collaboration with NSF, DOE and NIH (USA), BSF (Israel) and NICT (Japan) a call for research and data sharing projects in computational neuroscience.
One Health Approach to Zoonoses Research and Innovation - ERA-NET ICRAD 2022
The French National Research Agency, in partnership with funding organisations from 18 countries (Argentina, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and United Kingdom) is launching a second call for proposals through the ERA-Net ICRAD. The initiative aims to promote international research on animal health.
Open Research Area for the Social Sciences Seventh Call for Proposals 2021
The seventh round of Open Research Area (ORA) is based on an agreement between the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR; France), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; Germany), the Economic and Social Research Council of UK Research and Innovation (ESRC; the UK), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC; Canada).
International call "Photochimie Solaire – Solar-Driven Chemistry 2"
The French National Agency participates to the second international joint research call « Solar-Driven Chemistry 2 » The joint call brings togethrt 6 funding organizations from 6 countries (Finland (AF), France (ANR), Germany (DFG), Poland (NCN), Switzerland (SNSF) and Turkey (TUBITAK). Subject of this call for proposals is fundamental research in all sub-areas relevant to the photochemical transformation of small, abundant molecules, such as carbon dioxide, water or nitrogen, into more valuable, storable chemicals by means of solar radiation.
Appel à projets SAPS-RA-MCS 2021 Science avec et pour la société – Recherche Action – Médiation et communication scientifiques
L’ANR lance un appel à projets de type Recherche-Action sur la thématique « Médiation et communication scientifiques » (SPAS-RA-MCS).
Specific support for research works and innovation for defense: Maturation and Development (ASTRID-Maturation)
The French National Research Agency (ANR), in partnership with the French Defense Innovation Agency (AID) (attached to the defense procurement agency - DGA), has launched the 2021 ASTRID programme "Specific support for defence research works and innovation : Maturation and Development”. The programme is entirely funded by the AID and is implemented by ANR.
Specific Support for Defense Research and Innovation Work - Thematic Call for Projects on Robotics - 2021
The National Research Agency is launching, with the Defense Innovation Agency (AID) as partner, the call for projects ASTRID Robotics. This program is fully funded by AID and is hosted by the ANR, which ensures its implementation.
Generic call - 2022
The Generic Call for Proposals 2022 (AAPG 2022) is the French National Research Agency’s (ANR) main call. It is directed towards all scientific communities and all public and private players involved in French research. It is designed to give researchers in various scientific fields access to co-funding in a large number of research themes, basic or applied, in addition to their allocated recurrent funding.
Autonomie : vieillissement et situation de handicap (AVH) – Appel à projets – 2021-2026
Après avoir été annoncé par le président de la République, le 11 février 2020, lors de la Conférence nationale du handicap (CNH), le gouvernement a confié au CNRS le pilotage scientifique d’un Programme prioritaire de recherche (PPR) sur l’autonomie, financé à hauteur de 30 millions d’euros sur la période 2021 – 2026, réalisé en liaison étroite avec la communauté nationale de recherche et dont l’agence nationale pour la recherche (ANR) sera l’opérateur dans le cadre des programmes d’investissement d’avenir (PIA). Claude Martin est le directeur de programmes au CNRS. Un conseil scientifique pluridisciplinaire de 16 membres issus d’une diversité d’établissements ainsi qu’un comité de programmes regroupant des experts étrangers, des représentants des parties prenantes suivront la mise en œuvre de ce Programme.