Past calls for proposals
The National Research Agency is launching, with the Defense Innovation Agency (AID) as partner, the call for projects ASTRID Artificial intelligence. This program is fully funded by AID and is hosted by the ANR, which ensures its implementation.
UN OCEAN DE SOLUTIONS – Appel à projets
L’océan recouvre 71% des 510 millions de km2 de notre planète. Il joue un rôle crucial dans la régulation du climat et est un formidable espace de vie, un réservoir de ressources biologiques, énergétiques et minérales. Essentiel pour l’alimentation et la santé humaine, il permet depuis toujours la communication entre les peuples et le transport des biens à travers la planète. L’océan est au cœur des enjeux du développement durable, de la lutte contre le changement climatique et la perte de biodiversité. À tous ces titres, sa préservation est essentielle, nécessitant la production et le partage de connaissances scientifiques spécifiques, aux échelles globale et locale, aisément transférables non seulement vers les structures en charge de sa gestion et de sa gouvernance, mais aussi vers les entreprises, la société civile et le grand public.
Joint call for proposals of ERA-Nets Cofund Susfood2 and FOSC: Innovative solutions for resilient, climate-smart and sustainable food systems
The ERA-NET Cofunds Susfood2 (Sustainable Food Production and Consumption) and FOSC (Food System and Climate) launch a joint call for transnational interdisciplinary research projects on Innovative solutions for resilient, climate-smart and sustainable food systems. It is a one-step application procedure.
Sustainable Hydrogen Technology as Affordable and Clean Energy - EIG CONCERT-Japan - 2022
The European Interest Group (EIG) CONCERT-Japan is an international joint initiative aiming at support and enhance science, technology and innovation (STI) cooperation between European countries and Japan. Former ERA-NET program from 2011 to 2014, EIG CONCERT-Japan works as an independent collaboration since 2015. Within EIG CONCERT-Japan, the French National Research Agency (ANR), together with the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and 13 other European partners, launches the international joint research call « Sustainable Hydrogen Technology as Affordable and Clean Energy ». This call is supported by 13 agencies located in the following countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey.
Programmes et équipements prioritaires de recherche exploratoires (PEPR) - Appel à programmes - Vague 1 - 2021
Bâtie sur les enseignements tirés des actions « Equipements structurant pour la recherche » et « Programmes prioritaires de recherche » du PIA 3, l’action « Programmes et équipements prioritaires de recherche » (PEPR) vise à construire ou consolider un leadership français dans des domaines scientifiques liés ou susceptibles d’être liés à une transformation technologique, économique, sociétale, sanitaire, environnementale, etc, et considérés comme prioritaires aux niveaux national ou européen.
European Joint Programme SOIL - 1st external call (EJP SOIL-1)
The European Joint Programme SOIL started in February 2020 to create an integrated framework for agricultural soil research in Europe in order to enhance capacity, capability and knowledge in the area of soil research. The objective of this call is to foster holistic agricultural (forestry soils are not excluded) soil management practices which will assist in making a shift to diversify farming to include a variety of sustainable and environmental practices. To achieve this aim, knowledge about soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration and biodiversity is essential. Thus, the call addresses three major topics: SOC sequestration, biodiversity and sustainable production and environment.
T-AP “Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World (RRR)” Call
ANR and the Trans-Atlantic Platform (T-AP) for Social Sciences and Humanities are issuing a third joint research call on Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World (RRR).
Joint laboratories between research organizations and SMEs or intermediate-sized enterprises (Labcom) Call for proposals 2021
The purpose of this program is to encourage research actors to create new structured partnerships through the creation of "Joint Laboratories" between a SME or an intermediate-sized enterprise and a research laboratory. A Joint Laboratory is defined by the signing of a contract defining its operation, including:
2021 Joint Call on “Circularity in mixed crop and livestock farming systems, with emphasis on greenhouse gas mitigation”
The ERA-NET Cofunds SusAn (Sustainable Animal Production Systems), FACCE ERA-GAS (Monitoring & Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases from Agri- and Silvi-culture), ICT-AGRI-FOOD (ICT-enabled agri-food systems) and SusCrop (Sustainable Crop Production) launch a joint call for transnational interdisciplinary research projects.
M-era.Net - From materials science and engineering to innovation for Europe
In the framework of ERA-NET Cofund M-era.Net, the French National Research Agency (ANR), in partnership with 50 funding agencies from 36 different countries, launches a new call for projects on materials science and engineering: M-ERA.NET 2021 (2022 edition for the ANR).