
Appointment of the new ANR Scientific Advisory Panel chaired by Pierre Corvol

The Scientific Advisory Panel of the French National Research Agency (ANR) was reappointed on Thursday 31 January 2019. Pierre Corvol was named as the chair of this new Scientific Advisory Panel, which includes external contributors as well as the heads of the Agency's scientific departments.

Chaired by Pierre Corvol, president of the French Academy of Sciences and honorary director of the Collège de France, the new Scientific Advisory Panel consists of:

Figures from outside the ANR, including foreign contributors selected for their scientific and technical knowledge in the Agency’s areas of activity:

  • Bruno Chaudret, research director of the CNRS and a member of the French Academy of Sciences;
  • Yuko Harayama, former executive member of the Japanese prime minister’s Science and Technology Council;
  • Nathalie de Noblet-Ducoudré, research director at the CEA and a member of the French Academy of Agriculture;

Figures from the business world chosen for their knowledge about the operation and constraints of national research, development and innovation funding agencies:

  • Valérie Mazza, science and innovation director at Limagrain group and a member of the French Academy of Technology;
  • Roseann O’Reilly Runte, president and CEO of the Canada Foundation for Innovation;
  • Pascal Viginier, president de of the French Academy of Technology and advisor to the chairman of Orange.

The tasks of the Scientific Advisory Panel

As a discussion body, the Scientific Advisory Panel assists the ANR President and CEO in the strategic management of the Agency.

Subjects on which the CEO requests its opinion include:

  • The preparation of the ANR’s annual Work Programme and the report on its implementation,
  • Work to evaluate research provision and analyse its impact,
  • The creation or abolition of the Agency’s scientific departments, together with their naming and scope,
  • The appointment of the heads of scientific departments and the renewal of their functions.

It may also be asked to provide an opinion by the Governing Board or the CEO.

Its composition, the procedure for appointing its members and its rules of procedure are set out by the ministerial order of 10 September 2015

Last updated on 05 March 2019
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