Selected – 2012

Sustainable chemistry – Industries – Innovation

Chemistry uses mainly non-renewable and finite resources (oil), and its activities sometimes lead to the production of toxic and/or polluting substances. It has become necessary to remedy this situation by developing "clean" synthetic routes using renewable resources, where possible. This requires the control of processes capable of combining multiple and complementary functions. The selection, scaling and control tools of a process must indeed (i) promote intensification and control reactions (reliability and security), the quality of the product(s) developed, the economy of reagents and energy, while (ii) minimizing negative impacts (the production of products that are harmful in terms of the quality of the product developed, of controlling the reaction and/or in terms of the environment). Thus, the chemical industry must respond to human needs by offering products and processes efficient both in terms of health and environmental preservation. Molecules and products must be made ​​in clean and safe conditions, with a constant concern for saving energy and raw materials, all the while taking the requirements of the European chemicals law (REACH) into account.

The CD2I program aims to enable academic laboratories and industry to share their knowledge and expertise through collaborative projects. This involves getting researchers to think differently by incorporating the principles of "eco-design" into their synthetic methodologies, in their approach to improving or establishing new processes, and in their search of new renewable resources to replace fossil fuels. The CD2I program also aims to contribute to the maintenance and development of the competitiveness of the chemical industry, offering, particularly to the numerous small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in this sector, a means of improving their research relationships with the academic sphere. Under the requirements of REACH, this program also aims to develop new tools and methods to be made ​​available to manufacturers and expert bodies. Furthermore, it aims to come up with solutions to the substitution of products subject to authorization. Finally, the program aims to increase the interaction between synthetic chemists and chemical engineers, and to make this community take the concepts of sustainable chemistry into account.

The "Sustainable Chemistry - Industries - Innovation - CD2I" Program has evolved since its first edition and is now structured around three themes of research and innovation:

Axis 1: Resources, synthetic routes and innovative alternative products

Axis 2: Efficient reactions and processes

Axis 3: Chemistry and processes serving major environmental challenges

Opening : 2011-06-17 at 14:33 CEST
Application Deadline : 2011-09-15 at 13:00 CEST

IMPORTANT: Successful applications will be funded during the first semester of 2012.

Deadline for the submission of scientific and administrative documents signed by all partners (PDF format): 12.00 AM GMT on 30th of September, 2011, on the submission website.


Scientific, technical, administrative and financial questions

Dr Adrien Normand
E-mail: adrien.normand(at)
Tel: +33 (0)1 73 54 81 82

ANR Programme Director

Prof Patrick Cognet
E-mail: patrick.cognet(at) 




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