Funding – 2013

"Learning" Programme


The acceleration of the technical, social and cultural evolutions, contributes to increasing the need for training. It becomes increasingly important to be able to acquire new declarative and procedural knowledge, as to consider them with the critical glance that makes it possible to make them evolve. The current learning shapes the actors of the future society, it takes part in the constitution of the norms and the behaviors concerning the cooperation and the inequalities between the individuals. On all these challenges, the educational system has to anticipate challenges by considering research about learning.

Projects submitted under this call, whose primary objective is to expand the body of knowledge on learning systems and formal and informal education. They can consider individual or collective aspects of learning. They can comprise an application dimension. The cooperation between disciplines of research is encouraged. The call for proposals aims to address three main issues:

1. What is learning?
The various processes involved in learning, early acquisitions to consolidate expertise, can be analysed and theorized at different levels of integration and different perspectives: individual, social, organizational, ethical, neurobiological, etc. Modelling, computer simulation, the usage of robots as simplified learners can provide valuable insights.

2. How to learn: Challenges, methods, goals?

The evaluation of education systems leads to questions about its criteria and its use. The development of training programmes for teachers and trainers, the use of digital, the construction of educational programmes, the new learning methods and learning tools should be investigated. The promises of technology regarding interfaces (from the screen to the robot), software and access to gigantic resources, call a theoretical questioning on their benefits, limits and risks. Learning disabilities should also be considered.

3. How to use the results of research on learning?
It is expected to develop methods and tools adapted to the future, scientifically validated and experienced ecological situation. The results of past research as well as those that will result from this call must be the object of an acceptable transmission and lead either to tools or on deliverables likely to change practices. It implies a close relationship with all those involved in education and training, but also with the designers and developers of educational tools.

Three themes are proposed to project applicants:

  • Theme 1: Fundamental research on learning

Regarding the nature and modalities of learning, the proposed research should permit to better determine how an individual (child, adolescent or adult) acquires knowledge, expertise, competences or skills. Work on the social, economic and cultural determinants of learning can be proposed, as well as research on learning disabilities. Projects in ICST are eligible insofar the research offers insights into the learning processes in humans. Projects involving multidisciplinary teams in cognitive sciences and / or disciplines within the Social Sciences and Humanities are particularly encouraged. Work on the biological basis of learning, are also eligible.

  • Theme 2: New practices, new tools

The introduction of new practices and new media as tools of learning led to renewed questions about the constitution of the teaching programmes, content and learning objectives as they relate to teaching or professional school. In particular, the development of simulations, e-learning, serious games, robots used as teachers, and digital tools must be the object/focus of scientific research which takes into account the social and cultural constraints and cognitive abilities. Some new tools used to improve cognitive performance (e.g. neuro-feedback) raisespecific problems for learning theories. Research on this topic should focus on various populations (e.g. learning disabilities).

  • Theme 3: Gender, socialisation and learning

Gender socialisation of children and youth and the influence of gender (or stereotypes) in the field of learning are  important research topics. The study of social relations between genders in the field of education in general and in teaching contexts, is a part of this call for proposals. The mutual building of representations, attitudes, and behaviors of boys and girls, invites comparative and diachronic research taking into account the role of different determinants (institutional, symbolic, economic, etc.).

Opening : 2013-03-01 at 16:02 CET
Application Deadline : 2013-05-14 at 13:00 CEST

The complete submission file comprises two documents that must be filled out:

  • The "scientific document" is the scientific and technical description of the project. The document template is available in Word format (*.doc) in the download section. Once completed, this document is to be uploaded to the submission website in PDF format.
  • The administrative and financial document is completed online on the submission website. For foreign partners, only names and contact details need to be provided. Once scanned in PDF format and signed by the partners, the coordinator must upload it to the submission website.

Programme Director: François Rigalleau
Project Officer: Zoé Ancion

Contact details and more information can be found on the webpage dedicated to the programme.


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