Innovative societies - Innovation, economy, living
“Innovative Societies” is a new programme and one of the three cross-cutting programmes of the ANR.
This programme intends to foster cooperation and confrontation of the approaches of the disciplines of the humanities and social sciences and issues raised by the other scientific disciplines and by technological development. It particularly aims to strengthen research partnership between firms and teams of the social sciences and humanities. One of its objectives is to have a systematic interdisciplinary approach between laboratories and firms in various thematic fields (ICST, nanotechnologies, materials, energy, transport, housing, environment, food and agricultural production, industrial processes, health, etc.) and and social sciences and humanities which are interested in individual and social behaviour, and in economic models.
The programme is open to all scientific disciplines, provided that consortia include at least one SSH team (public or private sector). Partnerships with businesses, public authorities, associations or organizations, are encouraged.
The scientific objectives of the programme are to:
- understand the modes of dissemination, appropriation/rejection of innovations, regardless of their nature; contribute to the study of integration processes of novelty by individuals, groups, societies;
- develop the analysis of the new economic and social frameworks raised by the crisis, the globalization of trade, or by the ecological, energy, primary resources constraints and by the emergence of new technologies;
- anticipate structural changes of societies and economies; anticipate changes in individual and collective behaviour; develop the possibilities of a prospective reflection on the modalities for the transition to new forms of organized life in society;
- promote comparative approaches between sectors, territories, countries and companies, as well as temporal and international comparisons;
- foster emerging research projects involving companies, including partnership between the SHS teams and businesses and communities.
Main lines of investigation:
Innovations and representations
- Representations, appropriation, resistances
- Innovation and risk
- Multiplicity of knowledge and expertise
- Forms of interaction between innovators and companies
Innovations, social changes and ways of life
- Innovations and social change
- Innovation, learning, creation of new capabilities
- New frontiers between human and the technical
- Imagining the client of the future
Innovations and economic models
- Towards new economic models?
- Construction of markets
- Eco-innovations, innovations under constraints and economic models
- Open science and innovation
Configurations, actors, dynamics
- Innovation in space and time
- Innovation and business strategy
- Innovation and expertise
- Communities and innovations
- Institutional innovations
- Innovation, risk and regulation
- New paradigms for innovation in globalization
- Uncertain paths of innovation
- Documents
- Texte de l'appel à projets
- Sélection
- Liste des projets sélectionnés
Click here to find more information on the call (call text, submission files, etc.)
The project must be submitted by the coordinating partner in electronic format at the latest before May 24, 2011, at 1:00 pm (Paris time).
Each partner must sign, scan and upload the signed document on the submission website no later than June 7, 2011 at 1: 00 pm (Paris time).
Scientific and technical issues
Jean-Claude Rabier
Tel: +33 (0)1 78 09 80 82
Administrative and financial matters
Marguerite Kauss
Tel: +33 (0)4 72 72 86 76
ANR Programme Director
Prof. Jean-Claude Rabier
Consult the upcoming and current calls of the portal
The portal centralises all information on calls for proposals and calls for applications from ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS, Anses and INCa. It provides a simplified access to upcoming and ongoing calls, giving a greater visibility to funding opportunities. Following their closing date, the calls remain published for a few months.