Past calls for proposals
European call for proposals under the ERA-NET FACCE-SURPLUS: SUstainable and Resilient agriculture for food and non-food systems
Increased demands for food, renewable energy and raw materials from biomass are among the “Great Challenges” for the 21st century. Based on the vision of a European bio economy, 21 countries are now c
Transnational Joint Call for proposals on human infectious diseases through the ERA-NET Infect-ERA
The ANR is associated to the ERA-NET Infect-ERA to launch a third transnational call for funding research on human infectious diseases. Eleven countries are participating in this call
Call for European research projects for Neurodegenerative Diseases: risk and protective factors, longitudinal cohort approaches and advanced experimental models – JPcofuND 2015
The ANR joins the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) to launch a Transnational Call aimed at supporting transnational collaborations in the field of neurodegenerative disea
Joint laboratories between research organiszations and SMEs or intermediate-sized enterprises (ETI)
The purpose of this programme is to encourage research actors to create new structured partnerships through the creation of "Joint Laboratories" between a SME or an ETI (intermediate-sized enterprise)
Transnational call for proposals under the ERA-NET ERANETMED: Renewable Energies, Water Resources and their connections for the Mediterranean Region
ERANETMED is a EU FP7 initiative that aims at co-ordinating research activities of the different national research programmes from EU Members States, Associated Countries to the EU Research Framework
Recherche Hospitalo-Universitaire en santé (RHU) – Appel à projets - Vague 1 - 2014
L'action recherche hospitalo-universitaire en santé vise à soutenir des projets de recherche translationnelle en santé ou de recherche clinique, qui pourront s'appuyer sur des recherches fondamentales
Specific Support for Defence Research Works and Innovation (ASTRID)
The French national research agency (ANR) launches in partnership with the French armaments procurement agency (DGA), the 2015 ASTRID program "specific support for defence research works and innovatio
Call for proposals Flash Drone: "Protection of sensitive sites from aerial drones"
The use of aerial drones for various applications (commercial, agricultural, industrial and for leisure) is expanding strongly. France is among the leading countries in the field of drones, due to a p
Franco-German call for proposals in Social Sciences and Humanities
The ANR is launching a Franco-German call for proposals in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in collaboration with the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). This call aims to fund research pro
7th E-Rare Joint Transnational Call (JTC 2015) for European Research Projects on Rare Diseases, in the context of the ERA-NET Cofund E-Rare-3
The ANR joins the ERA-NET E-Rare-3 to launch a seventh call for proposals to fund transnational research projects on rare diseases. Seventeen countries from the European Research Area and abroad are j