Past calls for proposals
Joint Translational Call 2021 for Multinational Research on Neurodevelopmental disorders
The ANR launches in collaboration with the ERA-NET NEURON and the European Commission a joint call to support multinational, collaborative research projects addressing disorders of the nervous system arising during development and affecting the acquisition and execution of intellectual, motor and/or social functions. The present call is limited to disorders having shown their first manifestations before the end of the adolescence. A lifetime perspective is allowed only if addressing the consequences of disorders starting before the adolescence.
Call of proposals: "Setting up European or/and International Scientific Networks" - MRSEI 2021
In the framework of its 2021 Work Programme, the French National Research Agency (ANR) proposes the MRSEI call with a continuous submission format throughout the year with two scheduled selection sessions (March and July 2021).
Chaires industrielles - édition 2021
L’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) a dans ses missions la stimulation des coopérations entre acteurs publics et acteurs privés de la recherche. Cette stimulation se traduit notamment par le programme « Chaires Industrielles » et dédié à la recherche partenariale. Ce programme fait partie de la composante « Impact économique de la recherche et compétitivité » du Plan d’action de l’ANR.
Résilience Covid-19
In line with the Flash Covid-19 and RA-Covid-19 calls, the Resilience Covid-19 call, open until March 2, 2021, aims to collect proposals for urgent research projects whose results may constitute decision in the health field and contribute to the management and control of the epidemic and its effects over the next 12 months. In this Resilience Covid-19 call, multidisciplinary approaches are recommended.
Social sciences and Humanities Research to improve health care implementation and everyday life of people living with a rare disease - EJP RD 2021
The European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) has been established to help in coordinating the research efforts of European, Associated and non-European countries in the field of rare diseases and implement the objectives of the International Rare Disease Research Consortium (IRDiRC). Since 2019 it continues the funding effort of ERA-Net E-Rare that has successfully implemented ten Joint Transnational Calls for rare disease research projects between 2006 and 2018.
Joint transnational call 2021 for proposals on Personalised Medicine through the ERA-NET: ERA PerMed
The French National Research Agency, in partnership with 23 countries launches the fourth joint transnational call for proposals on “Multidisciplinary Research Projects on Personalised Medicine – Development of Clinical Support Tools for Personalised Medicine Implementation” through the ERA-NET ERA PerMed. This represents the third additional call not co-funded by the European Commission, and following the first co-funded call.
Franco-German call for proposals in Social Sciences and Humanities
The ANR is launching its 15th Franco-German call for proposals in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in collaboration with the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).
Accélérer la recherche et l’innovation sur les Maladies Rares grâce aux bases de données (MR) - Appel à manifestations d'intérêt – 2020
Les maladies rares (MR) sont des pathologies chroniques handicapantes et trop souvent mortelles qui affectent chacune moins d’une personne sur 2000 au sein de la population générale. Toutefois, il est estimé qu’il existe 6000 à 8000 MR différentes et l’on estime qu’elles affectent 6 à 8 % de la population générale en France et en Europe. Face au défi que représentent ces maladies, de nombreuses initiatives ont été prises au niveau national et international.
ANR “Tremplin-ERC Consolidator Grant” T-ERC call 2021
Designed to improve France’s success rate in European Research Council (ERC) calls, Tremplin-ERC (T-ERC) is a funding instrument set up by ANR as part of its Work Programme 2021. T-ERC is open to all ERC research disciplines (LS, PE, SH).
FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call 2021
FLAG-ERA (the Flagship ERA-NET) gathers National and Regional Funding Organisations (NRFOs) in Europe and beyond with the goal of supporting, together with the European Commission, the FET Flagship initiatives, i.e., the Graphene Flagship and the Human Brain Project (HBP) Flagship. One of its main aims is to set up and launch dedicated transnational calls to complement the Flagships.