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Micro-geometry Approach of Texture Reproduction for Artistic Legacy
Museums have conflicting constraints: preserve the artifacts they are storing and make them available to public. Cultural artifacts are fragile and light sensitive. 3D scanning is used for sculptures but is limited. 3D printers are also limited in their range of colors. We address the full chain of material acquisition and restitution. Our idea is to scan cultural artifacts, capture all their material geometry and reproduce them. Reproduction can be done through 2.5D printing or virtual reality.
Innovative materials from sequence-controlled segments in macromolecules
discipline in the field of materials science. In structural polymer materials, it is not expected that [...] composite materials while remaining recyclable. The problem is that the current materials do not yet [...] knowledge toward the design of new concepts of materials useful in the tomorrow society.
Material as an actor in transcultural networks between France and Germany in the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern era
The project investigates the agency of artistic materials as a factor in cross-border Franco-German cultural [...] focusses on the example of the exchange of the raw material alabaster and of alabaster artworks between France [...] the period of the greatest popularity of this material. Unlike previous art historical approaches, which
Material as an actor in transcultural networks between France and Germany in the late Middle Ages and the Early Modern era
The project investigates the agency of artistic materials as a factor in cross-border Franco-German cultural [...] focusses on the example of the exchange of the raw material alabaster and of alabaster artworks between France [...] the period of the greatest popularity of this material. Unlike previous art historical approaches, which
NAnostructured MAterials from Supramolecular block copolymers- Towards the Easy preparation of ordered nanoporous materials
NAnostructured MAterials from Supramolecular block copolymers- Towards the Easy preparation of ordered nanoporous materials
Evolution of organic host materials for high performance blue and white phosphorescent OLEDs: New generations of Pure Hydrocarbon materials
Designing new generations of high-efficiency host materials, which do not possess any heteroatoms, called
Materials World Network: Novel magnetic materials FoR spIn torquE physics aNd DeviceS
requires the combined efforts of materials synthesis, device fabrication, materials characterization with high [...] permalloy (NiFe) and CoFe). These materials are typically soft magnetic materials where the anisotropy is controlled [...] sensitively on the intrinsic materials parameters. This will further allow the materials and device architectures
Molecular Materials for Organic Electronics/Photonics
Le projet LUMOMAT, labellisé École Universitaire de Recherche depuis 2020, est porté par l'Université d'Angers et associe l'Université de Rennes, Nantes Université, l'École Nationale Supérieure de Chi