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Adapting to Cities And Climate change In interAction
example of great tits facing climate change as an educational tool to reconnect urban school-children to nature [...] of Montpellier and Paris associated with an educational device. In task 1, ACACIA will build a fine-scale [...] collection of scientific data while providing education on science and the environment, and documenting
Addressing the phenotype gap for oceanic phytoplankton
scientific outputs and development of innovative educational and outreach resources is integral to the PHENOMAP
Addressing the phenotype gap for oceanic phytoplankton
scientific outputs and development of innovative educational and outreach resources is integral to the PHENOMAP
Admission Post-Bac: Match or Mis-Match?
of and demand for higher education. Since 2008, admissions to higher education programs in France are centrally [...] quality in higher education? 3. How do diversity-enhancing policies in higher education affect the academic [...] organize the placement of students to higher education programs. Because they contain rich information
Adolescence and Ecology (Ad-ECO): how emotions and design workshops can stimulate the engagement of adolescents in eco-responsible processes?
engaged pro-environmental behaviors but also for education by providing tools to help adolescents and young
Advanced Materials for Optical Sensing
The reduction in size of compounds dedicated to photonic requires depth studies on the phenomena of surface. The emission properties of nanoscale material are affected by processes of competitive transfers of energy (effect of the morphology, existence of defects). The recording of fluctuations in specific optical answers is thus a reliable indicator of its activity.
Advanced Studies on Language Complexity
in ASLAN. True to our motto “Towards healthy, educated and sustainable human societies” we are well-known
Affirmation procedures, social integration norms and attitudes towards immigrants among adolescents
approach (social psychology and sociology of education) to examine both socio-cultural factors and the [...] liaising with professionals from the National Education; (3) LAPSCO (Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale [...] Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Education, Académie de Nice, is an important asset for our
Agriculture in the eyes of French adolescents: how their opinion could shape the future?
contribute to the design of national education and higher education programs.
Agriculture in the face of contemporary societal and environmental challenges: contribution of an organizational form that promotes Social Innovation, the French Multi-Stakeholder Social Cooperative
possible to reach the scientific, professional, educational and civic spheres.