Centres d'excellences Laboratoires d'excellence

Des cellules aux tissus: au croisement de la Physique et de la Biologie


Mots-clés : cellular functions; multicellular assemblies; supramolecular assembly; chemical biology; interdisciplinarity; computational biology; mechanotransduction; membrane dynamics; advanced imaging; micromanipulation; cancer


The LabEx CelTisPhyBio (CTPB) (now Cell(n)Scale) fosters the collaboration between physicists, chemists and biologists at the Institut Curie and PSL. It brings together 31 teams from 6 research units of Institut Curie and ESPCI. Since its creation in 2012, the LabEx has been coordinated by B. Goud (UMR144) together with P. Hersen since 2020 (UMR168). The teams of CTPB joined forces to leverage physical and chemical tools and concepts to address key questions on cell and tissue functions and dynamics and to gain insight into how these processes are mis-regulated in cancer and develop novel therapeutic approaches. These efforts have enabled the development of a world-class Center for Physics and Chemistry in Cell Biology.


CTPB strengthens expertise by supporting strategic recruitments and the development of two technological platforms. It fosters collaborations by funding interdisciplinary projects, including 5 ambitious collaborative “Groundbreaking” projects, and contributes to science dissemination by co-organizing scientific meetings.


CTPB improves multidisciplinary training, organizing yearly international courses and contributing to competitive PhD cofund programs. The LabEx also contributes to scientific outreach; in 2019 it initiated with the Curie Museum, LabEx DEEP and DCBIOL, the creation of a scientific escape game for the general public for the 100 years of the Fondation Curie. In January 2020, we organized a meeting and workshop on interdisciplinary research gathering LabEx and SAB members, as well as international invited speakers. Unfortunately, due to the health crisis in 2020, the scheduled courses, the meeting “Details in cell matter” (meeting focusing on EM) and the scientific escape game were canceled and have been rescheduled to take place in 2021.


Finally, CTPB fosters innovation and technology transfer to boost the socio-economic impact of the LabEx research via the development of novel technologies, research tools and clinical discoveries.


L'auteur de ce résumé est le coordinateur du projet, qui est responsable du contenu de ce résumé. L'ANR décline par conséquent toute responsabilité quant à son contenu.

Informations générales

Acronyme projet : CelTisPhyBio
Référence projet : 11-LABX-0038
Région du projet : Île-de-France
Discipline : 5 - Bio Med
Aide PIA : 11 158 741 €
Début projet : février 2012
Fin projet : décembre 2020

Coordination du projet : Bruno GOUD
Email : bruno.goud@curie.fr

Consortium du projet

Etablissement coordinateur : Fondation Paris Sciences et Lettres
Partenaire(s) : Institut Curie, CNRS délégation Paris-Centre, INSERM Paris 13, Ecole Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielle

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