ASIE - Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme Research and Innovation

Assessments of vulnerability of mature and secondary forests to climatic water stress in Southeast Asia – CWSSEA

Assessments of vulnerability of mature and secondary forests to climatic water stress in Southeast Asia

The overarching aim of this study is to estimate canopy transpiration and evaluate its variations with climatic conditions, such as atmospheric humidity and soil moisture in primary and secondary forests of Southeast Asia. This project also investigates species-specific responses to water stress by assessing tree hydraulics and stomatal conductance, which will provide a mechanistic understanding of the trees’ ability to conduct water from soil and uptake carbon from the atmosphere.

Analyzing the effects of climate variability on forest water and carbon fluxes in typical forests along the E101 longitude dynamic plots belt, covering a wide range of forests in monsoon Asia.

The main duties of co-PI JC Domec is to incorporate species hydraulic traits into a predictive model of whole tree water use in response of declining soil water availability, therefore permitting estimates of forest productivity in water limited environments. He also contributed to the presentation and publication of the data resulting from this proposal.

We use a suite of techniques to measure 1) past responses of forests to drought (using tree-rings and isotopes analysis), 2) present responses of forests by quantifying water and carbon fluxes, hydraulic properties, safety margin, canopy physiology and canopy functional diviersity, 3) future forest responses using an ecosystem model to estimate forest productivity under various climate change scenarios.

We proposed to perform studies on water and carbon budgets and compare them with ecosystem fluxes measured by the eddy covariance system (gas exchange parameters and related functional and hydraulic traits which explain plant functions within each forest). We also performed some carbon dynamics which will provide us with some insights into how productivity of these forests may differ across seasons.

Originally, we proposed to use a dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) that takes into account the diverse functional traits of various forests to estimate future climate changes. However, after several discussions among teams, we may not have sufficient past climate data that can be used to validate the model. Instead, we will utilize a well-known ecosystem model to estimate the responses of forests to future climate change. Additionally, we will upscale the results to the continental region covering the studied forests by incorporating some remote-sensing data to illustrate the spatio-temporal changes of forest productivity due to predicted climate changes. We believe that such results will highlight the importance of forest of different types and stages in this region and how climate change will affect them in the future, which will benefit policy makers in areas of forest conservation and restoration and climate change adaptation.

In year 1, Domec performed some of the laboratory measurements. In year 2, Domec mentored a PhD student from Chulalongkorn University (Weerapong Unawong) in Thailand and recoded and used a multilayered hydraulically driven soil–vegetation–atmosphere carbon and water transfer model that was specifically re-designed to represent processes common to vascular plants, so that ecosystem– atmosphere exchange may be captured by the same processes for different species. Hydraulic traits used to force the model were measured by Domec and also the PhD student from Chulalongkorn University who visited INRA and went with Domec at Duke University (USA) in October 2019. The student learned how to measure plant vulnerability to embolism, which describes the percentage loss of hydraulic conductivity as a function of xylem tension and applied the technique on tree samples from natural and secondary forests in Thailand. Those data were then analyzed by Dr. D. Vidal who also was hired on the project between October 2019 and Mars 2020. The work performed by D. Vidal was submitted to Tree physiology (see list below) and has been accepted pending revisions.

Duty for Year 3: around 8,200 euros are left in the budget, which will be used to attend several international meetings (if COVID 19 allows it) and to finish the modeling work with colleagues from Duke University.

Vidal D.F., Augusto L., Bakker M.R., Trichet P., Puzos L, J. C Domec. 2020. Understorey-overstorey biotic interactions are key factors of Pinus pinaster functioning in oligotrophic conditions. Tree Physiology Accepted with revisions
Bonetti S, Breitenstein D., Fatichi S., Domec JC., and D. Or. 2020. Persistent decay of fresh xylem hydraulic conductivity varies with pressure gradient and marks plant responses to injury. Submitted to Plant, Cell and Environment June 2020.
Domec J.C., King J.S., Carmichael M.J., Treado Overby A., Wortemann R, SmithW. K., Miao G, Noormets A., and D.M. Johnson. 2020. Root water gates provide new functional insights into plant responses and adaptations to drought, flooding and salinity stresses. Submitted to Plant Physiology July 2020

Bonetti S., D. Breitenstein, S. Fatichi, J-C Domec and D. Or. The hydraulic conductivity of wounded xylem. European Geosciences Union, Vienna, May 2020 EGU2020-5856-D693. Poster
Fischer M., G. Katul, A. Noormets, G. Pozníková, J.h. Domec, M. Orság, M. Trnka, J. King . Deriving the sensible heat flux from the air temperature time-series through the flux-variance and the surface renewal methods. European Geosciences Union, Vienna, May 2020. EGU2020-5856. Oral.
Domec JC. 2018. The canopy belowground: establishing a direct link between plant root functioning (including hydraulic lift) and ecosystem water and carbon fluxes. (Invited presentation) University Program of ecology seminar Duke University, November 27, 2018.
Domec JC, J. Swenson, G. Katul, D. Johnson, N. McDowell, R. Jackson, S. Palmroth, J. Ogée, A. Porporato, R. Oren. 2018. Can models of plant physiological processes provide a good understanding of mechanisms underlying vegetation responses to climate? Invited presentation at the Annual Conference for Science and the Environment – Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel - June 20-21 2018.

Coordination du projet

Jean-Christophe Domec (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)

L'auteur de ce résumé est le coordinateur du projet, qui est responsable du contenu de ce résumé. L'ANR décline par conséquent toute responsabilité quant à son contenu.


INRA equipe EcoFun Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique

Aide de l'ANR 38 700 euros
Début et durée du projet scientifique : février 2018 - 36 Mois

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