Appel à projets franco-québécois dans le - Appel à projets franco-québécois dans le secteur maritime

Co-construction of adaptation scenarios for managing coastal risks in the context of climate change in coastal communities in France and Quebec – ARICO

Submission summary

This Franco-Quebecois research project focuses on the co-construction of adaptation scenarios to coastal risks between researchers and society stakeholders. We know that, in a context of climate change and of concentration of human and built stakes on the coasts, the risks of coastal erosion and sea flooding are constantly increasing, both on the French and Quebec coasts. In addition, the difficulties of integrated coastal zone management and the multiplicity of positions of different and numerous stakeholders (citizens, elected officials, public administrations, local and regional organizations and other stakeholders) complicate the management of these risks, on a complex territory, at the interface between land and sea, but also between the river and its catchment area. Projecting these vulnerable spaces in a sustainable future becomes a challenge to which interdisciplinary and partnership research between researchers, coastal risk managers and inhabitants will provide crucial insights.

The aim of the project is to better understand and promote the adaptive capacities of populations and coastal territories subject to coastal risks by co-constructing, with the stakeholders, scenarios for the adaptation of these coastal territories. Our fundamental hypothesis is that to achieve this, it is necessary to investigate three nested levels of the problem: (1) understand the systemic vulnerability of these maritime territories, through knowledge of both natural and societal dynamics, (2) analyze public policies, stakeholder dynamics and the use of management tools in the two territories (France and Quebec), (3) characterize and analyze the adaptation and resilience capacities of coastal communities in the two test areas (group of municipalities of the Pays Bigouden, Brittany, France and group of municipalities of La Mitis, Québec). These three angles of approach complement each other and allow an integrated approach to analysis, in an interdisciplinary perspective. Throughout the project, progress on these three research questions will feed into the (4) co-construction with stakeholders (managers and inhabitants) of socio-ecological-economic scenarios for the adaptation of coastal territories and communities.The expected results are multiple. In addition to the development of these adaptation scenarios, at different time horizons, on the the test areas, several tools will be realized (vulnerability indicators, digital data platforms, timelines and story maps, serious games…) so that they can be transferred to other sites.

One of the original features of the project is to be based on a triple exchange, (i) between two territories, France and Quebec, (ii) between two disciplinary sectors, natural sciences and human and social sciences, (iii) and between several fields of knowledge, that of researchers and those of stakeholders (management professionals and inhabitants). We will work in mixed Franco-Quebec and researcher-managers teams. The systemic approach and the enrichment provided by cross-border international experiences will make it possible to respond to the strong societal demand for sustainable management of these spaces that have very special natural and social dynamics.

Project coordination

Catherine MEUR-FEREC (Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), Laboratoire Environnement, Télédétection Géomatique (LETG))

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


DDTM29-SGDML Préfecture du Finistère, Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer (DDTM29) Service Gestion Durable de la Mer et du Littoral (SGDML)
Lorient Agglo-DEDD Etablissement Public de Coopération Intercommunale (EPCI) Lorient Agglomération, Direction Environnement et Développement Durable (DEDD)
Matane SGE Ville de Matane, Service du Génie et de l'Environnement,
Comité Mer UMQ Comité maritime de l'Union des Municipalités du Québec (UMQ
Comité ZIP Sud St Laurent Comité Zône d’Intervention Prioritaire (ZIP) Sud-de-l'Estuaire du Saint Laurent
MELCC Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les Changements Climatiques (MELCC), Direction de l’Agroenvironnement et du Milieu Hydrique
MSP-DPP Ministère de la Sécurité publique (MSP), Direction de la Prévention et de la Planification (MSP-DPP)
ANEL Association Nationale des Elus du Littoral (ANEL)
MRC Matanie Municipalité Régionale de Comté (MRC) de la Matanie, Pôle Aménagement et Urbanisme,
CD29 Conseil Départemental du Finistère (CD29), Direction de l’aménagement, de l’agriculture, de l’eau et de l’environnement, Service du Patrimoine naturel, littoral et randonnée
PNRGM Etablissement Public "Parc Naturel Régional du Golfe du Morbihan (PNRGM)", Pôle Mer et Littoral
CC Pays Bigouden Sud Communauté de Communes du Pays Bigouden Sud (Finistère), Pôle Littoral et Biodiversité
UQAR-STD Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Département Sociétés, Territoires et Développement (STD)
UL-CRAD Université Laval (UL), Centre de Recherche en Aménagementet Développement (CRAD)
UQAR-LDGIZC Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR), Laboratoire de Dynamique et de Gestion intégrée des Zones Côtières (LDGIZC)
UQAM_ISE Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Institut des Sciences de l'Environnement (ISE)
UDL-TVES Université de Lille, Laboratoire Territoires, Villes, Environnement & Société
UBO-AMURE Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), laboratoire Aménagement des Usages des Ressources et des Espaces marins et littoraux (AMURE)
UBO-LP3C Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), Laboratoire de Psychologie : Cognition, Comportement, Communication (LP3C)
UBO-LETG Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO), Laboratoire Environnement, Télédétection Géomatique (LETG)

Help of the ANR 359,434 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: April 2020 - 36 Months

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