Centres d'excellences Laboratoires d'excellence

Réseau d'Innovation sur les Voies de Signalisation en Sciences de la Vie


Mots-clés : development; cell biology; epigenetics; cellular reprogramming; modeling; immunity; ageing; stem cells; cancer; neuroscience; pathogens; stress; pharmacology; metabolism; plant physiology; evolution; ecology


2021 was marked by the real start of the Labex extension project with the recruitments process of Chairs of Excellence and Young Entrepreneur Programs (YEP), the thesis defenses of 4 Labex International PhD students and the publication of 83 Labex papers (see Timeline in Fig.1)


GOVERNANCE: Functioning of the Labex 2 project: 12 meeting of Labex committees (steering, scientific, innovation). 1 meeting of international Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) for Chair Recruitments.


RESEARCH: 3 Labex Seminar series, 1 Labex Workshop on single-cell technologies. 83 Labex publications, of which 30% (25) were in journals with an impact factor IF ≥ 10 and 69% (57) with an IF ≥ 5. Labex PhD Students and postdocs published 25 papers (10 as first authors: 55,5%). 15 researcher prizes. Recruitment of 3 postdocs (India, France). Recruitment interviews for 5 Chairs of Excellence in Labex Institutes


Collaborations and interdisciplinarity: 3 joint PhD theses, 17 publications (20%) between 2 Labex teams, 9 publications between 2 Labex institutes, 13 publications between scientific axes, 8 interdisciplinary publications (Maths, Chemistry and Physics)


TRAINING: 7 PhD students in Labex teams. 4 students defended their thesis. 1 Labex PhD Student Prize


INNOVATION:  14 patent applications, 1 Startup company created, 13 collaborations with private companies, 3 non-permanent jobs created. Labex fundraising: PhD thesis and postdoc co-funding, plus 4 team joint projects external funding: € 1 802 110. Recruitment of 1 Young Entrepreneur Program


COMMUNICATION: Labex website 206 pages (13 pages added in 2021), participation to scientific popularization in schools and university, to lay public events (Science Festival, Brain week, UNESCO Week of Sound, European night for scientists, conference to prisoners), job forums, 20 articles in non-scientific press, media and web sites


SPECIAL COVID funding extension


L'auteur de ce résumé est le coordinateur du projet, qui est responsable du contenu de ce résumé. L'ANR décline par conséquent toute responsabilité quant à son contenu.

Informations générales

Acronyme projet : SIGNALIFE
Référence projet : 11-LABX-0028
Région du projet : Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Discipline : 5 - Bio Med
Aide PIA : 15 336 634 €
Début projet : février 2012
Fin projet : décembre 2021

Coordination du projet : Pierre ABAD
Email : pierre.abad@inrae.fr

Consortium du projet

Etablissement coordinateur : Université Côte d'Azur
Partenaire(s) : CNRS Côte d'Azur (Valbonne), INRIA Sophia Antipolis (Valbonne), INRA Paris, INSERM Délégation Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur et Corse, Université Côte d'Azur

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