As the greatest commercial metropolis of the Hellenistic and Roman East, Alexandria played an important role in the economic structure of the Mediterranean. At the same time it was the focus for contact between the Greek, Roman and Egyptian cultures. Because of intensive research since the 1980s a s
The aim of the CIPIA program was to consider ferrous metals as a mean to understand a part of economical trade at the end of the Hallstatt and the beginning of La Tène. For the first iron Age (Hallstatt D : 600-475 av. JC), we studied the trade networks linked to ferrous metals and wanted to verify
Emotions in time and space: the functional role of basic emotions in reading
Undrestand how emotions are processed during reading Results show an activation of the anterior insula as sson as 200 ms after the onset of a word use virtual lesions fMRI studies 1. Silva, C., Montant, M., Ponz, A., & Ziegler, J. C. (2012). Emotions in reading: disgust, empathy and the contextual l
Gallotropismus und Zivilisationsmodelle im deutschsprachigen Raum (1660-1789)
We started a new inquiry using the notion of tropism. The concept and the phenomenon of tropism from which the methodological approach of the project is deducted, are borrowed from the natural sciences. But the metaphorical sense of tropism in French - «dark force that pushes a group, a phenomenon t
Local Traditions and World Religions: The Appropriation of "Religion" in Southeast Asia and Beyond
The project deals with the appropriation of the idea of «religion« in societies of Southeast Asia and beyond, through the dialogical processes of localization of «universalist religions« and globalization of «local religions«. The subprojects have been designed to enlight the respective influences o
Poleis, sanctuaries and lands in the xanthian valley in Greek and Roman times
This program aims to bring together all the historical and historical data concerning the Xanthus valley considered as a whole. This was supposed to be possible through surveys in the landscape by a French, German and Turkish team, analyses of sherds, and comparisons with data from neighboring areas
Trivium. Deutsch-französische Zeitschrift für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Trivium publishes French translations of influential articles from German journals as well as German translations of similar articles from French journals. It is an open-access bilingual (German–French) journal published three times a year. 9 different thematic issues published between May 2008 and
Property in Moslem Transitional Environments
The PROMETEE Program pursues a double objective. On the one hand, it aims at developing a descriptive, non-ideological theory of the plural nature of law, hereby making substantial progress in the social sciences of law. It treats the question of law starting from the practices, the language and the
When universal visuo-motor mechanisms meet endogenous and language-related processes: Determining principles of eye-movement control in reading.
Our project aimed at investigating the processes involved during reading based on a pluridisciplinary approach. It had three main goals. The first was the behavioral study of the low-level, and presumably universal, visuo-motor mecanisms that drive the eyes along the lines of text during reading. It
Utterance structure in context: language and cognition during acquisition in a cross-linguistic perspective
1) General aim: to study the implication of linguistic diversity for the relation between language and cognition during language acquisition. 2) Research questions: to examine the typological constraints that influence verbal and non-verbal cognition in native speakers, as well as conceptualization
On the origins of grammar: from structural complexity in auditory sequences to syntactic structures.
A still unresolved issue in the fields of theoretical linguistics, neurolinguistics, and cognitive psychology of language processing is how the unique ability to process syntactic structure emerged in humans, underpinning the specificity of Language Faculty (LF). Furthermore, recent research on the
Locating state science : construction and circulation of state knowledge in Europe, 1750-1850
The EUROSCIENTIA project aims at combining searching academics from various knowledge areas around a French-German knot. It is devoted to the study of state knowledge building and institutionalization as it developed in many different contexts between 1750 and 1850. "State Knowledge" is here to be
Cross-modal integration of language and face cues in German and French infants
This project aims to investigate when and how infants are able to bind auditory and facial speech cues into a coherent and meaningful representation. The very few studies that have addressed this question found some type of binding between voice characteristics and facial movements in infants, but s
Nominalizations : Philosophical and Linguistic Perspectives
Nominalizations figure prominently in both linguistics (syntax and ?semantics) and philosophy. Nominalizations are of interest to ?syntacticians because of differences and similarities between the base ?from which the nominalization is derived and the nominalization (such?as its argument structur
Fallibility and error's culture in medicine. Historical, epistemological and ethical aspects (1500-1650)
Medical mistakes (germ. Kunstfehler, fr. faute opérationnelle, lat. deceptio or falsum) are the stuff of everyday practice while errors (germ. Irrtum, fr. erreur, lat. error) relate to clinical reasoning or the construction of scientific theory. The history of these two fundamental concepts (mistake
The Historical Geography of Upper Mesopotamia in the 2nd Mill. BC. An Interdisciplinary Research Project
The geo-strategical situation and the multifold conditions of the natural environment accounted massively for importance of Upper Mesopotamia within the history of the Ancient Near East. The concrete physical parameters of the region influenced the degree and forms of its socio-economic approriation