Transnational call on standardised measurement, monitoring and/or biomarkers to study food intake, physical activity and health (HDHL-INTIMIC STAMIFY)

The aim of this call is to encourage the development of improved methods and tools designed to assess and monitor diet and physical activity in order to help promote a healthier lifestyle.
The proposals should address at least one of the following topics:
- The development of improved methods for dietary assessment using new technologies, this can for example include ICT tools, unobtrusive data, food purchases, etc.;
- The further development of existing/identified biomarkers for food intake (eating patterns and/or diet composition);
- Identification of biomarkers of physical activities (sedentary and sleep behavior) including the first step(s) of validation
- Approaches for scientific application of commercially available device-based methods for objective assessment of physical activity (also sedentary and sleep behavior) as well as develop approaches to handle, aggregate and analyse such data in diverse populations;
- The development of integrative tools to assess and monitor both dietary intake and physical activity.
The consortium should be transdisciplinary and involve 3 to 6 partners eligible for funding from at least three countries participating to the call (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands, and Spain). No more than two eligible partners from the same country will be accepted within the same consortium. Each research consortium should include at least one operational stakeholder as a partner/collaborator (eligible for funding or participating with its own budget) in order to collaborate across sectors including the academic sector, public health sector, governmental sector, private sector and industrial partners. Two additional partners could also join the consortium if they can fund their own work without requesting money to the funders. ANR will only fund the French partners of the selected projects. The maximum funding allowed is 250 000 euros (or 300 000 euros if the French partner is also the coordinator of the project).
In agreement with the ANR policy, funded researchers should respect the guidelines of the Nagoya protocol and consider open access publication of their results.
- Selection
- List of selected projects
- A two-steps evaluation procedure.
- Call text and proposal template can be found on the JPI HDHL website.
- Proposals should be directly submitted online on the JPI HDHL website (ANR will not directly accept any proposal submission and no additional information is required by ANR).
Call Secretariat
Dr. Nikki De Clercq and Dr. Laura Peeters
+32 9 272 30 62 | +32 9 272 30 26
Consult the upcoming and current calls of the portal
The portal centralises all information on calls for proposals and calls for applications from ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS, Anses and INCa. It provides a simplified access to upcoming and ongoing calls, giving a greater visibility to funding opportunities. Following their closing date, the calls remain published for a few months.