Transnational call for proposals on cultural heritage through the ERA-NET+ "HERITAGE PLUS"
The ANR and the French Ministry of Culture and Communication join the ERA-NET + HERITAGE PLUS to launch a call for proposals to fund transnational proposals in the area of cultural heritage. Fifteen countries from the European Research Area are joining this call: Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
This HERITAGE PLUS call is designed to generate new, research-based knowledge to promote the sustainable use and management of cultural heritage and so to meet societal challenges and contribute to the development on the society. The call aims to fund excellent collaborative, transnational, interdisciplinary, innovative R&D projects focused mainly on tangible cultural heritage research, while not excluding the interlinked aspects of intangible and digital heritage.
The research topics on which the HERITAGE PLUS Call is focused have been drawn from areas identified in the Strategic Research Agenda for the Joint Programming Initiative in Cultural Heritage and Global Change.
The call will support projects across three broad topics:
- Safeguarding tangible cultural heritage and its associated intangible expressions
- Sustainable strategies for protecting and managing cultural heritage
- Use and re-use of all kinds of cultural heritage
France will fund each topic without priority. Please note that some countries do not fund each topic (see the call for detailed information).
Each submitted proposal must involve a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 research groups from at least 3 different countries participating to this call (see list above).
Funding is granted for a maximum of three years. The ANR will only fund the French partners of the selected projects.
The selection will be in two steps. The deadline for the submission of the full proposals is October 22nd 2014. The ANR financial document must be completed by French applicants only and sent by mail to Maelle.Sergheraert(at)
The HERITAGE PLUS call has a two-step submission and evaluation process according to the timetable below. Successful pre-proposals only will be invited to submit full proposals. The submission and evaluation procedure will be handled by the Italian Ministry of Culture (MIBAC). ANR will not receive any proposal.
Launch of the HERITAGE PLUS Call | 3 March 2014 |
Deadline for submission of pre-proposals | 28 April 2014, 18:00 CET (Brussels, Belgium time) |
Invitation for full proposals or unsuccessful outcome issued | August 2014 |
Deadline for submission of full proposals | 22 October 2014 |
Funding decisions | February 2015 |
Start of research projects | from April 2015 |
Forms, Guidelines and further information
The detailed guidelines for submitting a pre-proposal, including eligibility criteria for each country is available on the JPI website at
French participants are also invited to read the « Annex for French participants » available in the download section. French participants will have to comply with ANR’s eligibility criteria and financial rules. For more information, please read carefully document "règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides de l'ANR".
In order to help researchers or interested partners to find partners in other countries and organisations, an email group (called HERITAGE PLUS) has been set up so that researchers can subscribe to receive such requests, and to post requests themselves.
To use this service, you need to subscribe at the following link
Further detail on how to use this mailing list is provided in the guidelines and FAQs.
Mireille Brangé
Maëlle Sergheraert
01 73 54 82 46
Consult the upcoming and current calls of the portal
The portal centralises all information on calls for proposals and calls for applications from ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS, Anses and INCa. It provides a simplified access to upcoming and ongoing calls, giving a greater visibility to funding opportunities. Following their closing date, the calls remain published for a few months.