First call of the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership – The way forward: a thriving sustainable blue economy for a brighter future - SBEP
The vision of the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership is to design, steer and support a just and inclusive transition to a regenerative, resilient, and sustainable blue economy. This EU Partnership aims to boost the transformation needed towards a climate-neutral, sustainable, productive, and competitive blue economy by 2030 while creating and supporting the conditions for a sustainable ocean for the people by 2050.
This first co-funded call aims to support transnational research and innovation projects (36 months) addressing one of the five priority areas below:
- Planning and managing sea-uses at the regional level
- Development of offshore marine multi-use infrastructures to support the blue economy
- Climate-neutral, environmentally sustainable, and resource-efficient blue food and feed
- Green transition of Blue Food production
- Digital Twins of the Ocean (DTOs) test use cases at EU sea-basins and the Atlantic Ocean
These five priority areas were selected to maximise participation while reinforcing the European blue economy through innovative solutions and improved resilience of marine ecosystems. The priority areas embrace actionable routes from science to policy to observe, assess and mitigate the impacts of climate change on vital ecological assets such as biodiversity and other ecosystem services on which our economies depend, thus supporting coastal communities.
The first Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership (SBEP) Co-funded call pools national and regional financial resources through the participation of 36 funding organisations from 23 countries (19 Member-States: Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, and 4 Associated Countries: Faroe Islands, Iceland, Norway, Türkiye) responsible for funding research and innovation actions in the blue economy, with financial support from the European Commission. The total budget is about 50 Million Euros.
Please consult the Call Announcement and its Annexes listed at the end of this webpage and on the following website: for more information regarding the priority areas and the modalities of this call.
- Documents
- Call Announcement
- Appendix for French applicants
- Annex of the Call Announcement: Theory of change
- Annex of the Call Announcement: National Contact Points (NCP) and national/regional funding regulations
- Annex of the Call Announcement: List of the Beneficiaries of the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership allowed to participate in the R&I projects’consortia
- Annex of the Call Announcement: Pre-proposal form
- Annex of the Call Announcement: Full proposal form
- Annex of the Call Announcement: Open access and FAIR data
- Submission platform EPSS
- Partner Tool
- General and informative webinar registration link
- French National information webinar registration link
- Selection
- List of selected projects
Partner Tool
Looking for a partner or a project to join? Use the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership (SBEP) Partner Search Tool (see Link above)
Informative Webinars
A general and informative webinar dedicated to the international researchers’ community and presented in English was organised on the 2nd of March to answer your questions regarding the call.
A national information webinar (in French) will be organized for the French research community on the 8th of March. See above the registration link.
Points de contact ANR : (Claude Yven, Coraline Chapperon and Sylvain Pasquier).
For technical question regarding the EPSS, please contact the Sustainable Blue EPSS technical help: epss.sbep(at)
Consult the upcoming and current calls of the portal
The portal centralises all information on calls for proposals and calls for applications from ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS, Anses and INCa. It provides a simplified access to upcoming and ongoing calls, giving a greater visibility to funding opportunities. Following their closing date, the calls remain published for a few months.