CE38 - Interfaces : sciences du numérique - sciences humaines et sociales

Reflexive Multisensory Immersive Environment for Chemical Risk Training – RENFORCE

Submission summary

Chemical risk training is mainly based on theoretical pedagogical activities which are not sufficient to acquire the behavioral skills necessary to anticipate risks in real situations. Immersive virtual environments have demonstrated beneficial effects for training usually explained by a higher degree of immersion and engagement than non VR situations, thanks to a stronger embodied experience. However, their design and usage still raise scientific issues such as an under-exploitation of the multi-sensory aspect, and a lack of support of self-reflection processes on the immersive experience to enhance learning. In this context, this project aims to (1) understand to what extent multisensory stimuli improve learner engagement and immersion, through the enhancement of the embodied experience, and how it improves learner performances in chemical risk training; (2) understand how the visualization of behavioral and psychophysiological data during and after the VR experience can improve learner reflexivity and learning; (3) integrate and evaluate the scientific and technological results from (1) and (2) into prototypes for immersive chemical risk training, tested and validated in ecological situations. The consortium is composed of chemical risk trainers and practitioners (INL), researchers in virtual reality and quality of experience in immersive environments (LIRIS-Origami), researchers in Human-Computer Interaction and Technology Enhanced Learning both from computer sciences (LIRIS-SICAL) and educational sciences (ECP), and finally, researchers in the fields of micro- and nano-technologies (INL), for the development of non intrusive physiological sensors and thermal/olfactive actuators.

Project coordination


The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


ECP Université Lumière Lyon 2
INL Centre national de la recherche scientifique
LIRIS Ecole Centrale de Lyon

Help of the ANR 651,006 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: - 48 Months

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