CE27 - Études du passé, patrimoines, cultures

Gallic, Etruscan and Phocaean rites of commensality – GEPRICO

Submission summary

The Phoceans and Etruscans made their cultural mark on the North-Mediterranean area. Finished products, raw materials, ideas, beliefs and ritual practices circulated widely and played their part in the rapid evolution of Mediterranean societies. 5 sites in the north-western Mediterranean (Tarquinia, Aléria, Marseille, Lattes / La Monédière, Ampurias), have been selected to develop an innovative transdisciplinary study combining (1) a technical approach to archaeological material, ( 2) chemical (GC-MS) and proteomics analyzes, (3) archaeobotanical study. The objective is to identify the plant and animal raw materials used in Etruscan, Phocean and Gallic rituals for the same period (6th-4rd century BC) and to help to shed light on the gestures and meaning of ritual (rite of commensality), by using data which complements the material/ physical evidence usually provided by archeology, and by a comparative approach.

Project coordination

Dominique FRERE (Temps, Mondes, Sociétés)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


AOROC Archéologie et philologie d'Orient et d'Occident
CCJ Centre Camille Jullian - Histoire et archéologie de la Méditerranée, de la Protohistoire à la fin de l'Antiquité
ASM Archéologie des sociétés méditerranéennes
TEMOS Temps, Mondes, Sociétés
Laboratoire HELMA - Université de Lille

Help of the ANR 378,266 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: January 2023 - 48 Months

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