Cochlear Optically stimulated Reduced size high densiTy based on Removable Gallium Nitride LEDs – CORTIORGAN
CORTIORGAN will demonstrate innovative manufacturing processes resulting in a new class of optogenetics-based cochlear implants using optical stimulation of auditory nerves instead of electrical stimulation. Due to the high electrical conductivity of tissue, optical stimulation of the Organ of Corti can instead result in better spatial resolution and thus better implants. The goal of CORTIORGAN is to develop processing that will result in mechanically removable ultra-thin (< 5 micron), 30µm x 60 µm InGaN LEDs that will be mechanically removed from a substrate and packaged onto flexible cochlear implants. This depends on innovative 2-D materials growth that combines 2-D h-BN with growth of 3-D III-N semiconductor devices, allowing for the novel process. This will meet the size, power use, and flexibility requirements for cochlear implants that will be inserted into the tiny mouse cochlea at the end of the project. CORTIORGAN has a strong team and is well organized.
Project coordination
Abdallah Ougazzaden (GEORGIATECH-CNRS)
The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.
IP Institut Pasteur
C2N Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Help of the ANR 560,387 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project:
- 48 Months