SAPS-RA-MCS 2021 - Science avec et pour la société – Recherche Action – Médiation et communication scientifiques

Inform, Debate, Interact Locally, probe Ideas and Knowledges – IDILIC

Submission summary

Our contribution "Science with and for society" deals with the organization of mediation events in a format that integrates the exchange between scientists and citizens, and its analysis to explore avenues for improving the Science-Society dialogue. To understand the mistrust or enthusiasm of our fellow citizens towards certain fields or scientific advances, it is essential to have in mind their feelings by leading them to discuss with scientists on subjects that impact their daily lives. The principle is that each individual (general public and schools) questions himself on topical scientific subjects, on the basis of information gathered by scientists, manufacturers, politicians and consumer representatives. The objective is for each community to improve its perception of the other in order to engage each other in a constructive and dispassionate dialogue. The co-construction of this project and its implementation will be led by a consortium bringing together actors specializing in the mediation and dissemination of scientific culture in chemistry, in partnership with sociologists in order to set up relevant measurement tools and to produce a critical study on the effectiveness of this method of mediation, and on the perception of the scientific theme treated according to the type of public (school vs. adults) and their origin (social, geographic, educational, etc.).

Project coordination


The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


CetS Chimie et Société (Commission de la Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie)
DYSOLAB Dynamiques Sociales et Langagières

Help of the ANR 79,520 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: - 24 Months

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