Research on Real Time Compliance Mechanism for AI – RECOMP
Our aim here is to enhance reliability of AI in society by implementing realtime compliance mechanism for legal and ethical norms. Our contribution is to build a compliance mechanism by considering legal norms as hard constraints which must be satisfied and ethical norms as soft constraints which should be satisfied as much as possible. This combination of multiple norm compliance has not been investigated and is one of the novel parts of the project
We retain realtime scalability by introducing a partial evaluation mechanism along the execution sequence of an AI agent that checks the legal norms and a speculative computation that checks ethical norms with multiple possible sequences of comparison of these soft norm. There are many researches working on offline compliance check of norms whereas there are few researches working on online compliance check. In addition, to our knowledge, these online compliance mechanisms only check the violation of the hard norms while they don’t consider soft norms violation since it needs online norm revision. We investigated here such online belief revision method in soft constraints called ‘’speculative computation’’ and we will apply this method to soft norm revision. As far as we know, this is the first attempt to formalize online norm revision.
Japanese team has been long working on legal reasoning and offline compliance mechanism of legal norms and proposed a legal representation language called PROLEG (PROLOG based LEGal reasoning system). French team has been working on formalizing ethics in logic and given a rigorous framework using Event Calculus which represents temporal behavior of AI agents to represent various variations of ethical norms. German team has been working on knowledge representation issues such as aspect- oriented (metadata) knowledge modelling and reasoning with such aspect metadata scopes (scoped reasoning). They have developed tools and standards to represent rules (norms). We expect to develop a unified system of handling various norms such as legal norms and ethical norms simultaneously. Their tools and standards will be used to describe various norms. Therefore, the combination of three teams is essential to achieve our goal. Moreover, we also expect that combining legal norms and ethical norms will provoke interesting interactions between each other and it leads to new research topics to understand normative reasoning more deeply.
If we succeed in this project, we expect that AI will be more reliable entity and a good partner with humans in the upcoming years.
Project coordination
Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (Laboratoire d'informatique de Paris 6)
The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.
NII National Institute of Informatics
LIP6 Laboratoire d'informatique de Paris 6
Institut Fur Angewandte Informatik
Help of the ANR 251,200 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project:
March 2021
- 36 Months