COVID-19 - Coronavirus disease 2019

Seroconversion Sars-CoV2 among healthcare professionals working in front-line departments for the care of patients infected with Covid-19 during the 2020 epidemic – SEROCOVAP

Submission summary

The epidemic due to the Sars-CoV2 virus is spreading in France with an increasing number of affected patients. The medical and paramedical staff of the front-line departments for the care of patients infected with Covid-19 are potentially exposed to the risk of occupational contamination due to the large number of patients treated. Therefore, and despite the application of standard protective measures, it is possible that a certain number of caregivers already have or will contract Covid-19 infection, including in its asymptomatic form, which could represent 50% of cases. The main objective of the SEROCOV project is to assess the proportion of caregivers with documented Sars-CoV2 infection among the medical and paramedical staff of the front-line departments for the care of patients infected with Covid-19 at the end of epidemic of Sars-CoV2. The documented Sars-CoV2 infection is defined by Sars-CoV2 seroconversion and / or a positive Sars-CoV2 PCR on nasopharyngeal sample during follow-up. The secondary objectives are 1) to study the risk factors for documented infection, 2) to describe the type of infection presented in particular the proportion of asymptomatic and severe infections, 3) to assess whether there is viremia in asymptomatic infections, 4) to assess the number of different strains among infected caregivers in the same department. To meet these objectives, we are setting up a multicenter prospective cohort of caregivers working in 12 Ile de France departments on the front line for the care of patients infected with Covid-19. Eligible caregivers who have signed consent will have Sars-CoV2 serology at inclusion. Their socio-demographic data will also be collected. A weekly self-monitoring booklet will be given to the caregiver to collect any symptoms of the infection during the follow-up period. In case of acute respiratory or digestive clinical viral syndrome, serology and PCR will be performed. At 3 months, a new serology will be performed again. The proportion of documented infection will be estimated and its 95% confidence interval calculated. The risk factors for documented infection will be identified in participants whose serology is negative at inclusion, with a logistic model. It is expected to include approximately 1,300 caregivers over a period of one month.

Project coordination

Pierre Hausfater (DMU APHP.Sorbonne : DEpartement Médecine Intensive URgences Geriatrie)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


DEMIURGE DMU APHP.Sorbonne : DEpartement Médecine Intensive URgences Geriatrie
DMU BioGeM DMU APHP.Sorbonne : Biologie et Génomique Médicales
DMU ESPRIT DMU APHP.Sorbonne : Epidémiologie et biostatistique, Santé publique, Pharmacie, Pharmacologie, Recherche, Information médicale, Thérapeutique et Médicaments

Help of the ANR 30,000 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: March 2020 - 12 Months

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