MRSEI - Montage de Réseaux Scientifiques Européens et/ou Internationaux

Moving Knowledge and Reversing Inequalities in Education – MovingK

Project coordination

Françoise LANTHEAUME (Education Cultures Politiques)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


ECP Education Cultures Politiques
CeIED Research center for education and development
KCL School of education, communication and Society - King's college London
UMONS Institut d'Administration scolaire - Université de Mons
Department of sociology - Maynooth University
Laboratory of Pedagogical Research and Lifelong Education of the Department of Educational Science and Early Childhood Education - University of Patras
Faculty of journalism and communication studies - University of Bucarest
UCY Department of Social and Political Sciences - University of Cyprus
UAB Autonomous University of Barcelona

Help of the ANR 25,380 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: October 2019 - 24 Months

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