CE26 - Innovation, travail

Innovation and Transformation for Prevention Activity of Professional Risks – ITAPAR


Innovation and Transformation for<br />Prevention Activity of Professional Risks

To Develop a culture of prevention

This international collaborative research project (ergonomics, public health, education sciences) aims to produce knowledge to support social innovations in the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases, both at the level of regulation and dynamics of productive organizations (micro and meso level), and at the level of public surveillance (macro level). This proposal is made in the context of the importance of occupational accidents in Brazil and their stagnation in France (which hides an increase in accident rates among women). We understand prevention as a collective activity distributed in time, space and among multiple partners, conceptualized as a partially improvised orchestration of collaborative performance (Engeström, 2008). This research aims to: (1) understand this distributed collective prevention activity at three levels (macro, meso, micro); (2) identify systemic contradictions and potential areas for development of this collective activity; (3) support innovation in this collective prevention activity by mobilizing participatory methods: Change Labs (Virkkunen & Schaupp 2008), the simulation methods of critical pedagogy (Freire, 1970), MAPA (Almeida e Vilela, 2010; Almeida et al. 2014); (4) Develop a safety culture by articulating three levels of prevention; (5) Extend this knowledge and methods, not common in France and Brazil, to other sectors.

- The development of integrated models (ergonomics, public health/cross-cultural research) around key concepts related to the design of sustainable work situations, such as «decent work« (one of the development goals of the International Labour Organization - ILO). The driving force behind the collaborative project is the combination of expertise in occupational risk prevention. French-speaking ergonomics, born at Cnam-Paris, has developed methods of work analysis that have proven their worth. However, to date, some locks have often been lifted. The methodology of the change laboratory developed in Finland and successfully implemented in Brazil seems to be an approach that will lead to the emergence of intervention research on the issue of prevention. Moreover, the multidisciplinary nature of SHS and Public Health associated with an international collaboration project represents a challenge, that of not simply juxtaposing approaches and cultures, but of truly putting them into dialogue, particularly in the field. Four French laboratories are involved: CRTD-Cnam, Paragraphe-Paris8, Université Epicène-Bordeaux, CEREP Université de Reims. Seven Brazilian public institutions are represented in this project, under the coordination of Professor Vilela (University of Sao Paulo). They are the Foundation for Research in Occupational Health (FUNDACENTRO), the Universities of Sao Carlos (USFCAR), Campinas (UNICAMP), East Sao Paulo (UNESP), Itajuba (UNIFEI), Sergipe (UFS).

The project is ongoing. The current results concern the problematization of the research and the training of researchers through the Change Laboratory method that we intend to deploy in the research fields. The principle is that of «learning by doing« and aims at the learning of the actors to develop their own system of activity.

The expected impacts are: a more effective and systemic prevention; the development of actors involved in the process; and a transfer to civil society. This work will be carried out in France and Brazil in research areas that allow for comparison and mutual support. This project will remove scientific and technical obstacles concerning:
- Clarification of the human, work and prevention models at work supported by the national programs of occupational risk prevention in both countries;- Understanding of the issues (socio-organizational, financial and technical) related to the genesis and conduct of prevention projects in productive organizations;- The proposal of a model of participatory approach to support prevention actors in these projects

Articles :
1. Nascimento, A. (2020). Changement organisationnel, changement culturel ? Repères pour l’intervention ergonomique. Le travail Humain 2(2), 161-177. doi.org/10.3917/th.832.0161
2. Boudra, L. (accepté). Repenser les liens entre le travail et la prévention. Un éclairage à partir de l’exemple des aides à domicile salariés de particuliers employeurs. Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances.
3. Lémonie, Y. & Grosstephan, V. (2021). Le laboratoire du changement: une méthodologie d’intervention au service de la transformation du travail. Revue d’Anthropologie des connaissances, 15/2.
4. Boudra, L., Lémonie, Y., Grosstephan, V., & Nascimento, A. (soumis). The cultural-historical development of activity of occupational accident and diseases prevention. A scoping review in France. Safety science.

Communications :
1. Cuvelier, L., Boudra, L., Bationo-Tillon, A., Grosstephan, V., Garrigou, A., Lémonie, Y., & Nascimento, A. (acceptée) Formative intervention for safety: challenging methods from Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT). Proceedings of the 11th international conference of Working on Safety (WOS), Olhão, Portugal, Septembre 2022.
2. Boudra, L., Lémonie, Y., Garrigou, A., Bationo-Tillon, A., Cuvelier, L., Grosstephan, V., & Nascimento, A. (2021). Ergonomic intervention and formative intervention for prevention: two-way dialogue between two systemic interventionist frameworks. Proceedings of the XXIth triennial congress of the International ergonomics association (IEA), Vancouver, Canada, 13-18 juin 2021.
3. Nascimento, A., Silva, A.A., Boudra, L., Beltran, S.L., Lemos, M., Vilela, R.A.G., & Querol, M.A.P. (2021). Formative intervention and collaborative development in accident prevention research activity. Proceedings of the XXIth triennial congress of the International ergonomics association (IEA), Vancouver, Canada, 13-18 juin 2021.

This International Collaborative Research Project (ergonomics and public health) is positioned under Axis 4.1 - "Innovation, work". It aims to produce knowledge to support social innovations in terms of prevention of occupational accidents and diseases, both at the level of regulations and dynamics of productive organizations (micro and meso level), and at the level of public surveillance (macro level). This proposal is rooted in the context of the importance of work accidents in Brazil and their stagnation in France (which hides an increase in accident rates among women). We apprehend prevention as a collective activity distributed over time, space and multiple partners. The activity of prevention can be conceptualized as a partially improvised orchestration of collaborative performance (Engeström, 2008). This research aims to: 1) understand this distributed collective activity of prevention at three levels (macro, meso, micro); 2) identify systemic contradictions and potential areas for development of this collective activity; 3) support innovation in this collective activity of prevention by mobilizing participatory methodologies: Change Labs (Virkkunen & Schaupp 2008), simulation methods from the critical pedagogy (Freire, 1970), MAPA (Almeida e Vilela, 2010; Almeida et al. 2014); (4) Develop a safety culture by articulating three levels of prevention activity; (5) To extend this knowledge and methods, not very common in France and Brazil, to other sectors. The expected impacts are: more effective and systemic prevention; the development of the actors involved in the process; and a transfer to civil society. This work will be done in France and Brazil on fields of research enabling comparison and mutual support. This project will remove the scientific and technical obstacles concerning:
- Clarification of human, work and prevention at work models supported by national occupational risk prevention programmes in the two countries;
- Understanding the issues (socio-organizational, financial and technical) related to the genesis and conduct of prevention projects in productive organizations;
- The proposal of a model for a participatory support approach for prevention actors in these projects
- The development of integrated models (ergonomics, public health/intercultural researches) around key concepts related to the design of sustainable work situations, such as "decent work" (one of the objectives for the development of the International Labour Organisation-ILO)
The driving force behind the collaboration project is the combination of expertise in occupational risk prevention. French-speaking ergonomics, born in Cnam-Paris, has developed work analysis methods that have proved their worth. The transformation of work situations has been increasingly developed since the 1990s. However, to date, some locks have often been lifted. The change laboratory's methodology developed in Finland and successfully implemented in Brazil seems to be an approach that will bring up the intervention-research on the issue of prevention. Moreover, the multidisciplinary nature of the SHS and Public Health associated with an international collaboration project represents a challenge, that of not simply juxtaposing approaches and cultures, but truly bringing them into dialogue, particularly in the field. Four French laboratories are involved: CRTD-Cnam, Paragraphe-Paris8, Epicène-Bordeaux University, CEREP-Reims University. Seven Brazilian public institutions are represented in this project, under the coordination of Prof. Vilela (University of Sao Paulo). These are a Foundation for Research on Occupational Health (FUNDACENTRO), the Universities of Sao Carlos (USFCAR), Campinas (UNICAMP), East Sao Paulo (UNESP), Itajuba (UNIFEI), Sergipe (UFS).

Project coordination


The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


UNESP-PP UNESP / Departamento de Planejamento, Urbanismo e Ambiente
UINESP-B UNESP / Faculdade de Medicina
UFS Universidade Federal de Sergipe / Departamento de Engenharia Agronômica
UFA Universidade Federal do Amapa
UFSCAR Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos
USP USP / Faculdade de Saude Publica
BPH Bordeaux Population Health Research Center

Help of the ANR 319,152 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: December 2019 - 48 Months

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