CE28 - Cognition, éducation, formation tout au long de la vie

Teaching Critical Thinking – EEC

Submission summary

Critical thinking is at the heart of the latest educational policies. Yet if educational projects multiply, there still exist only very few scientific studies assessing the methods proposed by different stakeholders in education and training. These methods themselves in the norm do not build upon the existing scientific knowledge either. The present project aims at filling this gap by (1) designing and testing the first evidence-based critical thinking training for 8-14 year olds and, thanks to the complementarity of researchers and teachers of different disciplines (2) converging towards a more precise definition of critical thinking and providing a psychometric scale of critical thinking for French-speaking participants (3) testing the educational resources using this new scale in two stages (a qualitative pilot study, a quantitative large-scale study) (4) spreading these resources to institutions and teachers, as well as to the media and the general public.

Project coordination

Nicolas Gauvrit (Cognitions humaine et artificielle (CHArt))

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


CRP-CPO Mathieu
LP3C Laboratoire de Psychologie : Cognition, Comportement, Communication
IJN Institut Jean-Nicod
LIED Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Energies de Demain
CHArt Cognitions humaine et artificielle (CHArt)

Help of the ANR 272,557 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: December 2018 - 36 Months

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