Emergence - Emergence de produits, technologies, ou services à fort potentiel de valorisation

Yourcast : Enjoy personalized broadcasting signage – YourCast

Submission summary

Nowadays dynamic signage in public and private areas fully contributes to people information, either using supplementary information on handheld devices or not. Dynamic signage results from a technological convergence between the advent of Web 2.0 and the reinforcement of electronic uses. By delivering up-to-date information whatever content variations, it becomes an essential communication medium, which varies according to sources and broadcasting formats, places and peoples. The propensity of dynamic signage to be deployed in public and private areas leads to an expansion of these systems and necessitates a quick, reliable and flexible production of new signage systems according to the evolutions of the numerical world and the societal context.
The problem is no more to develop one signage system at a time, but rather to design and develop a line of signage systems that takes into account the intrinsic variability of this kind of software product while minimizing costs and time to market. Just as product lines were a prerequisite in large industrial sectors (automotive, electronics), software product lines aims at applying the same principles to the development of computing systems. This approach thus targets important economies of scale, a speed-up of the time to market for software products and quality improvement. We propose to use this paradigm, and more specifically the tools developed in our research labs to support the development of digital signage systems as an agile composition of services and graphical components organized into a product line.
Using two large-scale use cases - i.e. a first one on rapidly growing ubiquitous university campus in both Sophia Antipolis and Lille, and a second one on large-scale community meetings supported by the SUPRALOG company - this project also aims at validating under real conditions the technologies coming from our labs, by demonstrating benefits in terms of development costs as well as ability to implement and adapt quickly. The project will follow an iterative development process driven by the use cases. Produced codes will be available as free software. Moreover a partnership is currently under study so that an IT company in Sophia Antipolis (SUPRALOG) could play the role of a software integrator for industrial customers. The project targets valorization through the distribution of software and applications in institutional and special event worlds.

Project coordination


The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


Valorpaca VALORISATION Association de gestion du dispositif Valorpaca

Help of the ANR 228,571 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: December 2011 - 24 Months

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