BLANC - Blanc

Controle et Identification pour les Systemes d'Interaction Fluide-Structure – CISIFS

Submission summary

The CISIFS project is devoted to the mathematical study of interactions between a fluid and a solid structure, from the particular viewpoint of control and inverse problems theories. The mathematical study of fluid-structure interactions from the viewpoint of direct problems has grown in a spectacular way in the last years. One can consider these studies as an important preliminary step before the study of control and inverse problems. The project also includes tasks concerning the preliminary studies of some new fluid-structure interaction models, and will be interested in the numerics that can be derived from these results. For this purpose, the project will be articulated on eight tasks, regrouped in four main themes. These are the following themes and tasks: I- Well-posedness and qualitative study (Task 1) II- Inverse Problems (Task 2, Parameter Identification and Task 3, Shape Identification) III- Control in Fluid-Structure interactions (Task 4, Control of Fluid/elastic structures, Task 5, Control of a boundary layer, Task 6, Control of the motion of a rigid body, and Task 7, Self-propelled motion) IV- Numerical study of fluid-structure interactions. (Task 8)

Project coordination

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


Help of the ANR 0 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: - 0 Months

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