Transnational Multi-partner Call on Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research
Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE – JPI) is announcing the opening of an international m [...] research bringing together 11 countries of FACCE – JPI as well as Canada, New Zealand and the United States [...] agricultural sector. The call initiated by FACCE – JPI with the American National Institute of Food and
Transnational Joint Call for proposals on Antimicrobial Resistance through the ERA-NET cofund of JPI-AMR
agreement with the ANR. CONTACTS : JPI-AMR call office Dr. Barbara Junker - barbara [...] ANR Amélie Vergne Tel : 01 78 09 80 44
Transnational Joint Call for proposals on "InnovaResistance": Innovative approaches to address antibacterial resistance through the JPI on Antimicrobial Resistance
The ANR is associated to the JPI on Antimicrobial Resistance ( ) to launch the
Transnational Call for Proposals « Urban transformation capacities »
In the framework of the ERA-NET “Urban transformation capacities”, ANR is launching, in collaboration with 15 other partners from 13 European countries, a call for proposals, co-financed by the European Commission, to invite researchers, urban government authorities, – including cities and municipalities, – businesses, civil society and other stakeholders to build transnational consortia to create innovation and research projects that enable and support capacity building for urban transformations.
Third edition of the transnational call for projects of the European Partnership Driving Urban Transitions with a focus on urban areas - DUT
Coming from the Horizon Europe Partnership scheme and related to the JPI Urban Europe, the European Driving Urban Transitions Partnership gather a massive community: 27 countries and more than 60 partners to support the European innovation ecosystem in the urban area. The aim of the DUT Joint Call 2024, whom first stage will open on September 2 and will close on November 14 is to fund transnational research and innovation projects on urban challenges, at an international level in order to help cities in their transition to a more sustainable economy. Among Horizon Europe's 49 European Partnerships, DUT is the only one dedicated to urban transition.
The nutrition-responsiveness of the immune system: interplay between infectious diseases and diet-related metabolic diseases and the potential for food-based solutions (NUTRIMMUNE) 2022
The French National Research Agency, in partnership with Seven countries (Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands and United Kingdom) is launching a call, named NUTRIMMUNE, for proposals under the JPI HDHL. The initiative aims to promote international research on nutrition and health. The global budget for this action will be of 8,27 millions of euros.
Targets for Sustainable And Resilient Agriculture
15 years (for the SDGs) and up to 2050 for FACCE-JPI. This WP also sets up the key operational framework
Tangible heritage
initiative de programmation conjointe sur le patrimoine (JPI Cultural Heritage), tandis que le partenariat d’envergure
Sélection : Projets transnationaux : Patrimoine culturel, société et éthique (JPI CH CHSE) 2022
naux : Patrimoine culturel, société et éthique (JPI CH CHSE) 2022
Sélection : Nouvelles ressources et technologies alimentaires pour améliorer la santé publique et la sécurité alimentaire (FOODRETEC) – JPI HDHL 2023
publique et la sécurité alimentaire (FOODRETEC) – JPI HDHL 2023