« Accelerating CCSU Technologies »
The French National Research Agency (ANR) is launching, in collaboration with 14 funding agencies from 12 countries, a joint call for proposals to finance R&D projects in the fields of CO2 capture, storage and use.
x-Ray phase contrast and darkfield imaging for oral healthcare: mOrphOlogical and funcTional approaches for in-depth tisSue characterization
The sixth most common chronic disease worldwide, with more than half of the population over the age of 50, periodontitis, a prototypical inflammatory gum disease resulting in the destruction of the to
what makes neonates walking?
The ultimate goal of this proposal is to develop interventions for infants with locomotor disabilities that are more effective and can be initiated at birth. The first step is to establish with typica
web of flames
Study of self turbulent premixed flames
water photoelectrolysis assisted by an internal potential
Solar light is intermittent and supply is not synchronized with demand. One way to store solar energy is to use photo-electrolysis of water where hydrogen is produced directly from photons and water i
wateR cyclE For RESilient Heritage
Cultural heritage, as represented by collections in museums and the built environment, is a unique resource in socio-cultural and economic terms. Climate change will lead to extreme events such as dro
vulnerability and efficiency of composite structure under BLAST effects
The behavior of the composite structures subjected to the high speed accidental, hostile or military loadings is a domain with the multiple challenges for the safety as well in the military domain, fo