Toward an Integrated View of Transcription Terminator Rho Functions and Mechanisms
The emergence of hyper-virulent and/or multi-drug-resistant bacteria calls for renewed efforts to understand the mechanisms that allow bacteria to evolve by incorporating and expressing foreign genes.
Cooperativity between Lewis acids and transition metals
Ambiphilic ligands enable the introduction of Lewis acids nearby transition metals and thereby open the route to completely new catalytic approaches involving intramolecular Lewis acid assistance. In
Mechanical response of polymer nanotruss scaffolds
Three-dimensional lithography (two-photon polymerization) enables the manufacturing of polymeric materials with an architectured microstructure of tailorable geometry. Starting from elementary 3D arrangements of nanotrusses of 100-nanometer size one can build complex scaffolds, in centimeter scale size, by repeating the elementary arrangement periodically. This project aims at understanding the mechanics of biocompatible polymer nano-lattices and at developing a robust method to design them.
Chondrite Recipe from Accretion Disk modeling and Laboratory Experiments
CRADLE (Chondrite Recipe from Accretion Disk modeling and Laboratory Experiments) consists in an original approach associating the development of numerical simulations modeling the physical, chemical and isotopic evolution of the protosolar disk with new observations of the isotopic compositions of primitive meteorites. These observations give access to the irradiation intensity, to the ages of the first solids formed in the disk and to their residence time in the gas.
The BTR program with 15,000 m2 of clean room facilities distributed in seven national facilities and a task force of about 400 researchers brings a strong support to the R&D activities in micro & nano
Electrochemical properties of Metal Oxide Epitaxial Catalysts
The production of H2 is one of the promising solutions to store sustainable energy. H2 is considered as an excellent source of clean energy for the future. Its production through water splitting (WS)
Laboratory of Innovation, Scale-up, and Intensification of Polymerization processes
The LabCom LISIP: Laboratory for Innovation, Scale-up and Intensification of Polymerization processes is a common effort between the laboratory Chimie, Catalyse, Polymères et Procédés (C2P2-UMR 5265)
Advanced Solution for TAR TrEatment
The goal of this joint laboratory is to develop new industrial technologies for the analysis and conversion of heavy organic compounds (tar) and solids (soot) produced in gasification processes. Soli
Design and realization of new and compact gyromagnetic components with optimized performances
The Joint Laboratory project presented in this document associates the UMR CNRS / University of Limoges Xlim with the company INOVEOS. Its’ goal is to develop a conception methodology, to make and mea
Laboratory for innovation in dispersion and mixing for the structuration of food and non food systems
This joint laboratory project "MIXI-LAB" refers to VMI company (Vendée Mécanique Industrie) and ONIRIS-UMR CNRS 6144 GEPEA. It aims at developing innovative solutions for dispersion / mixing. VMI is a