Cell Polarity and Antigen Presentation
Etablissement et dynamique de sous-compartiments nucléaires répressifs pour la transcription chez S. cerevisiae
Etude du mécanisme moléculaire de la transduction du signal dans les récepteurs canaux par pontage chimique
Caractérisation multi-longueurs d'ondes des propriétés statistiques de la population des amas de galaxies pour l'étude de la physique de formation et d'évolution des structures
Our study is based on the exploitation of X-ray selected samples (from the XMM-Newton satellite), we combine the X-ray signal to the gravitational lensing signal to optimise the mass determination of clusters. We also work on the construction and the exploitation of the catalogue of clusters from t
Marches aléatoires et systèmes à événements discrets
l'Organon dans la translatio studiorum à l'époque d'Albert le Grand
Adhesion on-rate of ligand-receptor bonds: from single molecules study to biomimetic models
Importance and coupling of processes responsible for the patterns of continental dynamics and geomorphic evolution
Life cycle and oncolytic application of adenoviruses. A structural approach
Control of retinal stem cell proliferation
ANalysis of Differences in Erosion rate and Sediment discharges over time in the Andean forearc region (Peru and Northern Chile)
Inelastic Spectroscopy Simulations of wetting structures on metals
Theoretical Developments of Data Assimilation Models for Climate Extremes
Mitochondrial translation in the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Role of ANGPTL4 during development and ischemic heart disease
Biomineralization at the nanoscale: Merging Biology Geochemistry and Mineralogy in Studies of Prokaryote and Eukaryote Biominerals
New determination of the Boltzmann Constant with a improved acoustic method:toward a re-definition of the kelvin
Neurogenic potential in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease
Temporal Aliasing Illusions: a New Tool to Explore the Discrete Organization of Visual Experience
Polyoxometalates : magnetic anisotropy and high-spin molecules
Mechanisms of Immune tolerance by Transforming Growth Factor Beta Signaling
PALeo-Hydroloy : Exploiting Oceanic Cryptic Taxonomic Diversity of planktonic foraminifera
POLARization of EXotic nuclei with On-Line Nuclear Orientation at ALTO
Multiscale Asymptotics and Computational Approximation for surface Defects and Applications in Mechanics
Imaging the morpho-functional structure of GABAergic networks in the developing and epileptic hippocampus
Atom Transfer Processes Promoted by Metallacycles
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Deformable Structures in Meteosat Second Generation Images
DNA methylation and tumorigenesis: study of the mechanism and design of specific drugs.
Total liquid ventilation inducing myocardial cooling as a new cardioprotective strategy
Adaptations and constraints in the evolution of ticks and their microparasites: cascading host effects and co-evolutionary feedbacks.
Determination polarisation and localisation of the oocyte during Drosophila early oogenesis
Selection connectivity and biodiversity in metapopulations and metacommunities
Biodiversity Loss: Understanding changes in Ecosystem composition and functioning - Application to bird and plant communities in France
Modulation of Organic Optic Information Interfaces
Small size effects on the elastic properties of core-shell 1D-nanomaterials
Knowledge Intensive Sectors - Models and Evidence
From Applications to Theory in Learning and Adaptive Statistics
Molecular Design of Metal Catalyst Precursors for the Development of New Biodegradable Materials and Asymmetric Catalysis
Mechanisms of nucleation in nanocomposite glass-ceramics
Coordination complexes for new multifunctional hybrid structures: towards efficient magneto-switches.
Analysis Of The Mechanisms That Mediate Longevity Through Dietary Restriction
Development of a high-resolution portable NMR and MRI sensor for the study of surfaces
Understanding Fermi acceleration at astrophysical shock waves
Neurobiology of executive functions: functional interactions within prefrontal networks
Evolutionary and comparative studies of genes expressed in cephalopod neurogenesis
Plasma Propulsion with Electronegative Gases
RNA Shape Recognition And Structure In MicroRNA Processing
Information ouverte information fermée : de la collecte à l'exploitation
GPN-loop GTPases H1H2H3 trio essentiel et conservé au cours de l'évolution des eucaryotes interagissant avec MBD2 & XPA
Dynamique des salaires et globalisation en Chine
Our project addresses the issue of the evolution of labour markets and wage inequality in China in a context of greater globalisation. This issue has crucial implications for the Chinese economy as well as for the world economy. Whether economic growth induces a rise in wage rates or not will determ
Nouveaux Matériaux Thermoélectriques: antimoniures et tellurures du type structural Th3P4
Context-dependent gathering integration and use by individuals of complex information for breeding and foraging choices
To reduce uncertainty due to spatio-temporal environmental variation, individuals have to gather information allowing them to make optimal decisions. Information gathering and use, and their consequences for evolutionary processes, have recently received increased interest in evolutionary ecology. I
Encadrement et sociabilité des mondes ruraux (1960-2006). Revisite et regards contemporains
Structure et Dynamique des Réseaux de Co-invention
Prise en compte de l'incertitude dans la sélection des modèles mathématiques utilisés en agronomie
«The Cultural Politics of Race Ethnicity and Nation in the United States and Great Britain : A Comparative Perspective 1945-Present»
The Cultural Politics of Race, Ethnicity, and Nation in the United States and Great Britain : A Comparative Perspective, 1945-Present» L'équipe, composée de politistes et d'historiens, se propose d'approfondir les développements de la recherche française et internationale sur le lien problématique q
Représenter le corps propre : Schéma corporel et image corporelle
Robust and Efficient Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems Application to Process Control
Scientific framework and project objective: This project fits into the objectives of the laboratory LAGEP at the interface of chemical engineering and control process. The objective of the new team is the robust control law synthesis for distributed parameter systems with their implementation on the
Algorithmes d'apprentissage innovateurs pour la tradution par approches statistiques
Out of equilibrium statistical mechanics of two dimensionnal and geophysical flows
SCIENTIFIC DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT STATFLOW 1 Introduction The description of the large-scale structures of turbulent flows is of wide practical and fundamental interest, in many domains of fluid mechanics. For instance, the knowledge of the evolution of the large-scale atmosphere and ocean, is b
NanoElectroMEchanical transport and Shuttling In normal and superconducting Systems
Nanoelectromechanical transport and shuttling in normal and superconducting systems Introduction Electromechanical devices are ubiquitous in our every day life. Electric motors, electric switches, loud speakers, accelerometers, etc. are present at all length scales and degrees of complexity. The m
Economics of formal and informal care for an ageing population
Scientific background and objectives. The terms of economic growth basically depend on population ageing, which is commonly assumed to induce sharp increases in healthcare expenditures. More basically, macroeconomic impact of ageing lies in distributive mechanisms across generations induced by agein
Effects of alternate coral reef states on the attraction settlement and subsequent survival of crustacean & fish larvae
- Scientific background and objectives: The biodiversity is declining, and habitat destruction and degradation are now commonplace. The degradation in coral ecosystems is usually characterized by coral mortality from natural and anthropogenic stressors (e
Interaction plasma / surface: mesure de la contribution de chaque espèce en phase gazeuse au transfert d'énergie global
Energy transfer from a plasma to a substrate is a real issue in plasma processing. The understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the heat transfer is relevant and can help optimizing processes. - At GREMI, young researchers (Anne-Lise THOMANN and Rémi DUSSART) working on low pressure plasma pr
Matériaux Ferroélectriques pour la Conversion Electrothermique: du monocristal à l'application
Géographie et colonisation.Construction des savoirs géographiques sur l'Afrique française. (XIXe-XXe siècles)
Instabilité advective-acoustique et explosion des supernovae
Live cell analysis of RNA polymerase i transcription. Kinetic modeling of gene regulation and transcriptional control
RNA polymerase II (pol II) is at the center of cellular phenotypic expression. Pol II transcribes type 2 genes potentiating cellular functions in response to diverse stimulations leading to cellular specialisations defining environmental responses, organs differentiation or even species (Levine and
La Mésopotamie et sa périphérie: transmission et adaptation d'une culture au Bronze récent
Les peuples du Pacifique insulaire et l'Etat : autochtonie identité ethnicité citoyenneté
Les grandes réformes de la comptabilité publique: racines techniques modèles
Groupe de recherche de Géometrie et Probabilités dans les Groupes
In the last years, the use of geometric and probabilistic methods in the theory of finitely generated groups has been a great success, and solved an important number of various problems. The idea is to let a group act on a space with a good geometry, and take advantage of this geometric structure to
Shrinking Cities une approche globale
Contrôle Optique d'un Spin Individuel
I- Description of the project and expected results: The coherent control of a quantum object such as semiconductor quantum dot represent an actual topic of interest due to both fundamental interest and possible application for the implementation of quantum information processing in solid state. The
The role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of astrocytes in neuron-glial interactions
Astrocytes, the main glial cells of the brain, express a large set of receptors for neurotransmitters that allow them to respond to neuronal activity, often by elevations of their intracellular Ca2+ concentration. In turn, activated astrocytes release transmitters onto neurons, modulating neuronal s
X-SFEM : méthode éléments finis stochastiques étendus pour le calcul de structure à géométrie aléatoire
Théorie des Champs en Analyse
Etudes et Paramétrisation des Fluxs Turbulents pour les Courants Gravitaires par Assimilation de Données
Approche géométrique à l'approximation diophantienne
experts médiateurs et courtiers de la bonne gouvernance: étude comparative des pratiques transnationales de démocratisation
Implications des sites zinc-cystéinates dans le stress peroxydique: approche mécanistique par des modèles peptidiques
Bioceramics with controlled multi-scale Porosity for local Drug Delivery Systems
In situ structural studies of membrane proteins by solid-state NMR
Watermarking Réflexif pour le Renforcement des Images et des Sons
Matière noire et énergie noire : un défi pour la physique des particules
Les volatils dans les magmas d'arcs: une approche par les inclusions magmatiques dans les olivines primitives
Contrôle d'équations aux dérivées partielles en mécanique des fluides
Système acellulaire comme modèle d'étude de l'activation de la NADPH oxydase
Copolymérisation radicalaire réticulante contrôlée : élaboration et étude structurale de nanogels polymères fonctionnels
Chimie du phosphore pour la préparation de matériaux moléculaires chiraux à topologie hélicoidale
Système d'Imagerie Rapide pour l'Observation et la caractérisation de Phénomènes Optiques Ultra-brefs
ElectroCatalyse et diffraction de Rayons x IN situ sur Surfaces bien-définies
The project is mastering the X-Ray Diffraction technique, when used in situ in electrolytic medium on well-defined surfaces. Thanks to the third generation of synchrotron radiation source, this method, which stands at the edge of physics and chemistry, would enable a better understanding of the phys
Physique et mécanique de la cristallisation confinée en milieu poreux
Introduction - Physical states transition has important issues in geomechanics. It is involved in civil engineering through concrete frost damage by in-pore water crystallization and in geophysics through the formation and dissociation of crystalline gas hydrates. - Frost durability of cementitiou
TRAIL et chimiothérapies anticancéreuses
Déterminants cognitifs de l'amorçage syntaxique en monologue et en dialogue
Caractérisation de la signalisation Sema3E/PlexinD1 dans le guidage axonal: perspectives thérapeutiques
Réponse globale de cellules animales cultivées en réacteur à des contraintes hydrodynamiques contrôlées et quantifiées
Etude structurale de l'interface hybride biologique/inorganique de nano biomatériaux par RMN à l'état solide
Effets non-linéaires en QCD à haute énergie et haute densité
Eléments Capacitifs MIM à forte densité Intégrés sur Silicium pour la conversion de l'énergie
ServiceMosaic une plateforme pour l'analyse et la gestion des services web
Evaluation des périodiques électroniques dans le réseau universitaire français : approche comparative par les usages
Développement et Apprentissages des Stratégies de Recherche d'Informations
Synthèses biocatalysées innovantes d'haptènes glycofuranosidiques
Génération des plasmons de surface localisés (LSPR) : détection sensible d'interactions biomoléculaires
Altération de particules ferrimagnétiques : Signatures magnétiques et lectures environnementales
Sciences et capitales européennes : revisiter les origines de l'espace public des savoirs (XVie-XViIe siècle)
Dynamique évolutive de la gynodi¿cie chez Beta vulgaris ssp maritima et Silene nutans. Des génomes aux populations
Etudes diophantiennes dynamiques et combinatoires de différentes numérations
Transport de flux vidéo sur réseaux de capteurs pour la surveillance à la demande
L'Europe : Un ou Plusieurs Marchés du Travail ?