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This project proposes to explore the history of war and civilian violence in Shanghai over a long century (1842-1952) from the perspective of the spatial history and seeks to establish the determinants and modes of transformation the city that resulted from warfare. It sits at the interface of history and geography. The methodological approach to be adopted fits in the realm of «digital humanities«, in particular digital history.
Écrit et écriture dans la formation des identités en monde syriaque et arabe IIIe-VIIe siècle
now, but rather on the analysis of the material record, and especially through the edition of the oldest
« Virtual Brain »-based interpretation of electrophysiological Signals in epilepsy
Epilepsy is a major neurological disorder, affecting of the order of 0.5 to 1% of the population. It is a very invalidating disease, with high impact on quality of life. In a large proportion of cases, medication cannot prevent seizures; surgical removal of the regions responsible for seizures is then the only way to cure patients. However, results crucially depend on the correct delineation of the epileptogenic zone.
what makes neonates walking?
their field of study and each has a solid track record of contributions to scientific understanding.
very low DARKcount single microWAve photon DetectOR
very low DARKcount single microWAve photon DetectOR
the Role of thE SenSe of Agency for the development of Communication
combining electroencephalographic recordings (in the lab) and daylong recordings (at home) we will examine: [...] communicative development; 3) by collecting home recordings when infants are 2.5 and 4.5-months, we will
seminal MOTility Imaging and MOdeling for automatized fertility assessment
reconstruction. Several types of microscopic recording will be done. First, phase contrast microscopy
photoSRM: optical fragmentation filtering for quantification by mass spectrometry of protein clinical biomarker in biological matrices
Mass spectrometry is a powerful alternative for protein biomarkers in blood and urine. Photo-SRM lies in the specific laser photo-dissociation of peptides tagged with a chromophore. The aim is the improvement of specificity and detection level.
perSon recOgnition in Debate and broAdcast news
speech transcription to extract the names from the recordings. On the other side, IDIAP has developed since
pOPulation coding of moTIon in norMal and pAthological retinas
Population coding of motion in the normal and pathological retinas