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Relaxation processes induced by VUV photoexcitation in astrophysical media
The relaxation of molecular species following photoexcitation in the vacuum ultraviolet is very complex and constitutes a key step in the photochemical networks of astrophysical environments. Experimental data recorded in the laboratory concerning this relaxation are essential to understand the evolution of these environments.
Converting an urban wasteland into a sustainable and educational living-lab, based on a replicable phytomanagement approach
Converting an urban wasteland into a sustainable and educational living-lab, based on a replicable phytomanagement approach
Identification of key cellular pathways and genes involved in the pathogenicity and resistance to Rift Valley Fever virus.
Identification of key cellular pathways and genes involved in the pathogenicity and resistance to Rift Valley fever virus.
Effets d'échelle sur le comportement mécanique des verres métalliques
'Plateforme de Technologie Amont'), of MINATEC and because of the 'pôle de compétitivité' Minalogic. Some
Indicateurs Biologiques et chImiqueS de Contaminations UrbaineS
This project proposes to measure the fluorescence of contaminants at sea by the implementation of advanced optoelectronics and robotics methods. It responds to the call «ANR- ECHOTECH 2009« for projects dedicated to preservation of natural resources and management of environmental risks.
:a Systems Approach for PHysiological Integration of Renal, cardiac and respiratory function
(HPC) facilities of the FAME2 project (Pole de Compétitivité System@tic) not only for calculation-intensive
Ethnicité et Comportements de Consommation
ss Cluster located in Lille Métropole (Pôle de compétitivité des « Industries du Commerce »).
Effet des procédés de mise en forme et des traitements thermiques associés sur les propriétés d'emploi et la géométrie des pièces métalliques pour l'industrie
objectives of the present project, presented within the «Pôle Nucléaire Bourgogne» (Burgundy's nuclear power cluster)