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Scientific education and mediation programme in the context of the bicentenary of the birth of Louis Pasteur (2022) - in support of the ANR JCJC and PRC projects coordinated by the Institut Pasteur (2018-2019 editions)
proposing, first of all, a national programme on education and scientific mediation for a period of three [...] in a sustainable way. The objective of this educational and mediation programme is to design, implement [...] implement, disseminate and promote an educational device, intended for primary and secondary school pupils
Characterization of commensal-mediated immune education in mouse and its relevance for humans
The main goal is to gain mechanistic insights into the highly intriguing immunological cross talk of SFB with the host through the characterization of IL36 cytokines in the intestine during SFB colonization while also establishing the relevance of SFB research for humans by obtaining the SFB genome sequence, by characterizing human SFB morphology and by isolating human SFB in pure culture.
Educational inequalities and educational paths construction of 11-15 teenagers in their everyday life spaces.
This project aims at identifying the inequalities in education between the children from 11 to 15 years old (low secondary school time in France) from different backgrounds. Education can be seen as the acquisitions resulting from the interactions between the individual and his physical and social environment, including formal, informal and non formal transmission.
Education and scientific mediation programme for the bicentenary of the birth of Louis Pasteur - N°2
"PasteurEduc" project was funded in the previous SAPS-CSTI generic call 18/19. This education and scientific
Returns to Education: New Challenges for Models of Human Capital Investment
way to affect skill supply is through education, as education is an essential input in the production [...] aim to improve the transitions within education, from education to the labor market, and between jobs [...] both educational options and job opportunities to study how the type of post-secondary education affects
Paterns, practices and culture in French speaking West African schools
Based on case studies from Senegal and Benin, the project aimed to deepen our understanding of the changing patterns of educational models, practices and cultures in West Africa, at a time when these are being fundamentally reconfigured. Private and religious schools are proliferating on the continent and the “national” character of educational systems is increasingly questioned in a context of numerous international interventions.