Blanc SHS 1 - Blanc - SHS 1 - Sociétés, espaces, organisations et marchés

The pre-milky food (gift and neonatal consumption of the colostrum): practices, representations and issues in public health. – COLOSTRUM

The pre-milky food (gift and neonatal consumption of the colostrum): practices, representations and issues in public health

This project has 2 parts:<br />- The anthropological part aims to document the practices and representations related to neonatal colostrum consumption in 7 different countries (Germany, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, France, Morocco), characterized by contrasting cultural contexts.<br />- The biological and psychobiological part of the project focuses on two aspects of the colostrum. 1/ its sensory and functional properties. 2/ to test its immunological potential.

Specificity and objectives.

Overall, the specificity of the project consists in: i)being the first, at an international level, completely dedicated to the very initial phase of human feeding: the ingestion of colostrum; ii)investigating cultural variables susceptible to explain consumption or not of colostrum in the target countries; iii)raising anthropological and bio-cultural knowledge on the perception of an organic substance such as the colostrum; iv)looking for the biological benefits of colostrum for the prevention of allergic diseases; v)elaborating recommendations that could be useful for public health policies and educational initiatives in the target countries. Notably, expected results could increase the frequency of consumption of neonatal colostrum, the positive effects of which are widely known for the health of the child.

- The anthropological part: The research includes 4 phases (P1-P4). P1/ (6 months): building and translation of 2 questionnaires into local language (for the mothers, and nursing staff) to be used in the 10 maternity hospitals selected in the 7 countries. In addition, an interview grid will be built up on the consumption of C for use by different fields covered by this research (in Arabic, Berber, English, German, Khmer, Mooré, Portuguese, Spanish). P2/ (24 months): The investigation itself, which will be conducted following 2 modalities by means of the documents which will have been elaborated during P1: a/ Questionnaires will be passed in the maternity wards of Augsburg (Germany), Cochabamba (Bolivia), Fes (Morocco), Nice (France), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) Pelotas (Brazil), and Phnom Penh (Cambodia) ; b/ Ethnographic inquiries (observation and interviews). Access to informants will be through the mothers who have been subjected to the questionnaire and to whom we have asked for their consent. P3 (12 months): data processing and analysis of the results. P4 (6 months) Writing up and communication results.
- The biological and psychobiological part: experimental methods.

This project pertains to the interdisciplinary field of interdisciplinary research on the practices of breast-feeding. It has 2 complementary parts, one anthropological, the other biological and psychobiological.
- The anthropological part aims to document the practices and representations related to neonatal C consumption - much less understood than those related to breastfeeding - in 7 different countries (Germany, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, France, Morocco), characterized by contrasting social and cultural contexts. The research includes 4 phases (P1-P4). P1/ (6 months): building and translation of 2 questionnaires into local language (for the mothers, and nursing staff) to be used in the 10 maternity hospitals selected in the 7 countries. In addition, an interview grid will be built up on the consumption of C for use by different fields covered by this research (in Arabic, Berber, English, German, Khmer, Mooré, Portuguese, Spanish). P2/ (18 months): The investigation itself, which will be conducted following 2 modalities by means of the documents which will have been elaborated during P1: a/ (2 months) Questionnaires will be passed in the maternity wards of Augsburg (Germany), Cochabamba (Bolivia), Fes (Morocco), Nice (France), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) Pelotas (Brazil), and Phnom Penh (Cambodia) ; b/ (4 months) Ethnographic inquiries (observation and interviews). Access to informants will be through the mothers who have been subjected to the questionnaire and to whom we have asked for their consent. P3 (6 months): data processing and analysis of the results. P4 (6 months) Writing up and communication results.
- The biological and psychobiological part of the project focuses on two aspects of the C. 1/ its sensory and functional properties (for adults, parents or not, and for newborns), which are largely unknown to date. This part will be run by the Ethology team of CSGA, Dijon (UMR 6265). 2/ to test the immunological potential of C and its effect in the field of respiratory and gut allergies, a series of experiments will be conducted on an animal model. This task will be carried out by the E.A. Immune Tolerance, Hospital L’Archet, Nice.
Overall, the specificity of the project consists in: i)being completely dedicated to the very initial phase of human feeding: the ingestion of C ; ii)investigating cultural variables susceptible to explain consumption or not of C in the target countries; iii)raising anthropological and bio-cultural knowledge on the perception of an organic substance such as the C; iv)looking for the biological benefits of C for the prevention of allergic diseases; v)elaborating recommendations that could be useful for public health policies and educational initiatives in the target countries. Notably, expected results could increase the frequency of consumption of neonatal C, the positive effects of which are widely known for the health of the child.

Project coordination

Joël CANDAU (Laboratoire d'Anthropologie et de Psychologie Cognitives et Sociales) –

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


CANTHEL Centre d'Anthropologie Culturelle
CNRS DR12 - MMSH Maison méditérranéenne des sciences de l'homme - Maison Méditerranéenne de Sciences de l'Homme (USR 3125 CNRS-Université de Provence)
Maternité Maternité de l'hôpital Calmette Phnom Penh
INSS Institut des Sciences des Sociétés du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique de Ouagadougou
CISO Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas
Université Fédérale de Pelotas Instituto de Ciencias Humanas
UNS Tolérance Immunitaire
Universität Frankfurt Institut für Ethnologie
Université de Augsburg Environmental Science Center
CHU Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Hassan II de Fès
CNRS - CSGA Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation (UMR 6265 CNRS-Université de Bourgogne-INRA)
LAPCOS Laboratoire d'Anthropologie et de Psychologie Cognitives et Sociales
Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah Centre de recherche et d'études psychologiques et sociologiques

Help of the ANR 312,759 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: December 2012 - 36 Months

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