Selected – 2017

Transnational Call for Young Researchers ARIMNet 2: Agricultural Research In the Mediterranean Network 2

The ARIMNet 2 Project (Agricultural Research In the Mediterranean Network), funded by the European Union under FP7, is aimed at coordinate National Agricultural Research Programmes to strengthen the capacities of its members for a coordinated response to the major challenges faced by Mediterranean agriculture.

Whereas agriculture in the countries around the Mediterranean is confronted with common issues and challenges, Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean is scattered and requires a coordinated effort to step up the cooperation and coordination of research activities carried out at the national level by joining forces to promote innovative research and cooperation. That is the members of the ARIMNet2 Project’s purpose and ambition.

Joint Transnational Call

The aim of this call is to reinforce the capacities of young scientists around the Mediterranean Area and to prepare the new generation of young research talents to become leaders and pioneers in their research area.

The call will support research consortia in a broad scope of topics to give researchers the opportunity to develop their own networks and research ideas and to facilitate the establishment of long-lasting collaborations and partnerships among young scientists around the Mediterranean. It aims to promote international collaborations among young researchers to take up in an innovative approach the global stakes and challenges that the Mediterranean Agriculture is facing.

The call will cover two topics:

Topic 1 : Promoting sustainable agriculture for socio-economic development

Topic 2 : Valorising local products through food value chains improvement

The evaluation process is a One step process (submission of a full proposal by the 14th of September)

More information and details about ARIMNet 2 can be found at the following link:

Opening : 2017-06-13 at 15:47 CEST
Application Deadline : 2017-09-14 at 17:00 CEST

The project must be submitted by the coordinating partner in electronic format on the website before the deadline. The website for submission will be available from the 16th of August until the 14th of September 2017.


Fabrice Dentressangle fabrice.dentressangle(at)
Maurice Héral maurice.heral(at)


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The portal centralises all information on calls for proposals and calls for applications from ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS, Anses and INCa. It provides a simplified access to upcoming and ongoing calls, giving a greater visibility to funding opportunities. Following their closing date, the calls remain published for a few months.


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