Generic call for proposals 2015
ANR launches a generic call for proposals for the second consecutive year. It is ANR's main call for proposals for the financial year 2015. It is open to all scientific disciplines and all types of research, from basic research through to applied research carried out in partnership with private companies, including SMEs.
The scientific and thematic fields targeted by this call, the funding instruments available and the procedures for evaluating proposals are detailed in ANR's 2015 Work Programme.
The selection procedure for this generic call for proposals will proceed in two stages:
The first stage is the online submission of a 5-page pre-proposal. This pre-proposal will be reviewed according to a method described in the Guide for Applicants. Coordinators of the pre-proposals selected as the outcome of the first stage will be invited to submit a full proposal. This full proposal will be reviewed during the second stage of the evaluation process, according to a method described in the Guide for Applicants.
In compliance with international standards, the selection process is based on the principle of peer review. To achieve this, the agency relies on regularly renewed panels of scientific personalities external to ANR, and the widest possible international community of peer reviewers external to the panels. A great deal of importance is placed on close management of conflicts of interest. Once the selection has been made, the list of reviewers having participated in the evaluation and the panels is published on our website.
If you wish to participate in the evaluation of the pre-proposals submitted to the generic call for proposals 2015, please complete our on-line application form by following this link: |
International cooperation:
In order to facilitate international collaborations, ANR signed bilateral agreements with counterpart agencies across the world. Projects submitted in that framework, i.e "International – Collaborative research projects" are included in the generic call but depend on a specific submission calendar. 14 countries are concerned in the context of the 2015 edition: Germany, Austria, Brazil (States of Pernambuco and Sao Paulo), Canada, China, India, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Mexico, Romania, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan and Turkey. For all of these collaborations, the applicants must refer to the annexes to the generic call for proposals. They detail the specific conditions and eligible themes by country. Moreover, outside of the bilateral agreements, it is also possible to submit a project with one or several foreign teams from any country. Those projects are subject to the process of the generic call for proposals.
Key dates:
- Closing date for submission of pre-proposals: 16 October 2014, at 1 pm (Paris time)
- Closing date for pre-registration of "International – Collaborative research projects": 18 November 2014, at 1 pm (Paris time)
- Closing date for submission of full proposals (for the coordinators invited to submit a full proposal and for the coordinators of the "International – Collaborative research projects"): mid-April 2015
- Consult the overall timetable of the generic call
- ANR's 2015 Work Programme (English version soon to come online)
- Guide for Applicants (English version soon to come online)
- Funding regulations (in French)
Consult the upcoming and current calls of the portal
The portal centralises all information on calls for proposals and calls for applications from ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS, Anses and INCa. It provides a simplified access to upcoming and ongoing calls, giving a greater visibility to funding opportunities. Following their closing date, the calls remain published for a few months.