CE24 - Micro et nanotechnologies pour le traitement de l’information et la communication

Advanced Nano-Engineering to Transport Heat in Ultra-thin Mmembranes – ANETHUM

Submission summary

The study of thermal transport is a major challenge with many fundamental and technological implications. In this context, the rise of low dimension materials opens up a new scale which deeply changes our understanding. The well-established models for conventional bulk crystals fail for one-atom-thick structures and innovative experimental and theoretical approaches are needed. Surprisingly, a huge effort has allowed addressing graphene Dirac electron transport whereas 2D thermal transport is still in its infancy. ANETHUM intends to engineer suspended membranes of graphene and other 2D materials to explore the new frontiers of thermal transport. The approach combines specific and complementary state-of-the art-expertise in i) the fabrication of complex nano-patterned structures; ii) spatially resolved temperature measurements using Raman spectroscopy; iii) development of original theoretical models.

Project coordination

Nedjma BENDIAB (Institut Néel - CNRS)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


INEEL Institut Néel - CNRS
C2N Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies
IMPMC Institut de Minéralogie, de Physique des Matériaux et de Cosmochimie

Help of the ANR 358,658 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: January 2020 - 42 Months

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