The role of nano-mechanical motions in plant growth – Goodvibrations
Sonocytology is an emerging research field focusing on metabolically-driven nanoscale oscillations of the cell surface, which so far have been observed in several organisms in different kingdoms. To date, practically nothing is known about the origin and biological function of these oscillations. “Goodvibrations” brings together experts in plant development, cell walls, acoustofluidics and soft matter and builds upon a set of preliminary data showing that growing cells of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana produce and react to 1.5 kHz nanoscale surface oscillations, which appear to be generated during the wall assembly and remodeling process of the growing cell. To understand the origin and role of these oscillations in plants and other walled organisms, the project will first develop optical and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)-based tools for the simultaneous monitoring of growth, wall rheology, turgor, wall deposition and surface oscillations. Next, the presence of the oscillations will be documented in a variety of walled organisms and finally the link between wall rheology, wall growth and the oscillations will be experimentally investigated using mutants and transgenics with altered cell wall properties. The study of these enigmatic nano-mechanical movements is expected to provide new insights into the exquisite regulation of the rheological properties of walls of growing cells. This should provide essential parameters for the modeling of plant growth and development and the adaptation of plants to changing environments but also may provide inspiration for the conception of new nanomaterials.
Project coordination
Alexis PEAUCELLE (INRA Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin)
The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.
IJPB INRA Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin
MSC Univ paris Diderot MSC
Help of the ANR 196,376 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project:
March 2018
- 36 Months