DS01 - Gestion sobre des ressources et adaptation au changement climatique

VGI users & data centered methods for the analysis of farmland biodiversity indicators: A participative SOLAP approach for opportunistic data – VGI4Bio

Submission summary

The conservation of biodiversity and its link with agriculture currently represents a major challenge. Observation data may be
needed at large spatial or temporal scales to encompass a wide range of situations in order to achieve meaningful results. This
implies that thousands of observers need to be mobilized, at a cost which would be prohibitive if they had to be paid. Therefore in
this project we will define a set of statistical tools and observers’ behaviour modelling to extract and visualize accurate and relevant
data from opportunistic data (VGI data), in order to produce meaningful farmland biodiversity indicators. Moreover, since VGI
systems do not provide advanced analysis tools, in this project we will use Spatial OLAP to analyse those farmland biodiversity
indicators. Since final users are different and numerous, in this project we will define a new group decision-making SOLAP design
methodology to implement Spatial OLAP models for farmland biodiversity indicators

Project coordination

Sandro Bimonte (Technologies et systèmes d'information pour les agrosystèmes)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


MNHN - UMR 7204 CESCO Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
IRIT Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse
Irstea-TETIS Territoires, environnement, télédétection et information spatiale
UR Ecosystèmes forestiers Irstea - UR Ecosystèmes forestiers
Irstea-TSCF Technologies et systèmes d'information pour les agrosystèmes

Help of the ANR 431,912 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: November 2017 - 48 Months

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