BIOADAPT - Adaptation - des gènes aux populations.Génétique et biologie de l'adaptation aux stress et aux perturbations

RNA-mediated phenotypic variations – MEMRNA

RNA-mediated phenotypic adaptations to environmental change

How biological systems respond and adapt to fast environmental changes is a challenging question. Our proposal aims at evaluate the adaptive and evolutionary potential of non-genetic heritable mechanisms in experimentally controlled animal models.

Understanding of non-genomic mechanisms involved in fast adaptations

The two groups involved in the project developed independently experimental paradigms in which phenotypic changes are under the control of non-genetic mechanisms. In two animals models, the mouse and the nematode C. elegans, external clues induce metabolic, physiologic or behavioral phenotypic modifications. Once induced, all modified phenotypes can be transmitted through out generation. As for most epigenetic heritable changes, only a few numbers of generations inherited the modified phenotypes. In the worm, maintaining the same odor stimuli in environment during five generations stably modify chemotaxis specifically to these odors in the population. Repetitive induction transforms a transient individual into a stable population adaptation. The issues raised by the project are : what are the molecular mechanism involved in this fast adaptation? Is it possible to fix the newly acquired phenotype by reiteration of the signals in mammals?

In the two animal models, a central role for small non-coding RNA in mediating phenotypic changes has been identified. Such convergences suggest that common evolutionary conserved molecular mechanisms might be at work in different animals for different phenotypes in response to different external stimuli. Combining biochemical, genetic, and RNA sequencing methods, we will identify odor-imprint RNA in odor imprinted worms, and sperm RNA in epigenetically transformed mice. We will look for epigenetic effectors in both models (RNAi pathways, DNA methylation, chromatin-modifier enzymes). In the worm, repetitive induction transforms a transient individual into a stable population adaptation. To evaluate the mouse adaptivity of fast environmental changes, reiteration of the signal, here a high fat diet, will be performed during five generations.

Since our project have reccently started, no results can be disseminated to a large audience at the moment.

This project is primarily in fundamental research. Success or failure will have to be evaluated on the criteria of scientific publications. The role of non coding RNA molecules in fast adaptative evolution is undoubtedly of general interest, and is a “première”. In a more distant perspective, one may consider the possibility of identifying RNA molecules which might be used in the field of applied animal farming biotechnology.

Any new scientific production and patent has been achieved since the beginning of the projects.


1 – Scientific background and rationale
How biological systems respond and adapt to fast environmental changes is a challenging question. Over the last few years, epigenetic modifications have been considered as an interface between environmental factors and genetic information in living organisms, but remains to be fully demonstrated. Our proposal aims at evaluate the adaptive and evolutionary potential of non-genetic heritable mechanisms in experimentally controlled animal models.

2 – Description of the project methodology
The two groups involved in the project developed independently experimental paradigms in which phenotypic changes are under the control of non-genetic mechanisms. In two animals models, the mouse and the nematode C. elegans, external clues induce metabolic, physiologic or behavioral phenotypic modifications. Once induced, all modified phenotypes can be transmitted through out generation. As for most epigenetic heritable changes, only a few numbers of generations inherited the modified phenotypes. In the two models, inheritance pattern is not Mendelian: each individual from a generation switch from naive to modified (induction), express the modifications (inheritance), or switch from modified to naïve (reversion). In the two animal models, a central role for small non-coding RNA in mediating phenotypic changes has been identified. Such convergences suggest that common evolutionary conserved molecular mechanisms might be at work in different animals for different phenotypes in response to different external stimuli.

Specific aims of the project are:
1. To identify what kind of epigenetic effectors are involved in producing the transient phenotypic modifications:
In the mouse, one-cell embryo injection of non-coding RNA with sequence homology with the Sox-9 gene induces heritable giant phenotype. On the other hand, parental high-fat diet affects the body size of the progeny. In the worm, small RNAs are produced during the imprinting of odor stimuli at larval stages, modifying chemotaxis in adults. Small RNA can also transfer horizontally odor imprinting to naïve animals, suggesting they are responsible for the behavioral change.
Combining biochemical, genetic, and RNA sequencing methods, we will identify odor-imprint RNA in odor imprinted worms, and sperm RNA in epigenetically transformed mice. We will look for epigenetic effectors in both models (RNAi pathways, DNA methylation, chromatin-modifier enzymes).
2. To assess a possible stabilization of inheritance by repetitive induction:
In the worm, maintaining the same odor stimuli in environment during five generations stably modify chemotaxis specifically to these odors in the population. Repetitive induction transforms a transient individual into a stable population adaptation. Then, we will search for genome modifications at specific loci or in whole genomes by comparing non-induced naïve and stably modified animals. Classical genetics will be used to study segregation pattern of the new innate chemotaxis behavior. In the mouse models, we will repeat phenotypic change induction generation after generation, following phenotype evolution, gene expression, and phenotype inheritance as in the worm.

3. Expected Results
This project is primarily in fundamental research. Success or failure will have to be evaluated on the criteria of scientific publications. The role of non coding RNA molecules in fast adaptative evolution is undoubtedly of general interest, and still very challenging in mouse In a more distant perspective, one may consider the possibility of identifying RNA molecules which might be used in the field of applied animal farming biotechnology.

Project coordination

Valérie Grandjean (Hérédité non-mendélienne d'un état épigénétique) –

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


NICN/CNRS/AMU Neurobiologie des interactions cellulaires et neurophysiopathologique (NICN)
INSERM Hérédité non-mendélienne d'un état épigénétique

Help of the ANR 475,406 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: December 2012 - 36 Months

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