Joint Transnational Call on Next Generation Climate Science in Europe for Oceans
ANR joins the Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) Climate and Oceans to launch a call for proposals to fund transnational research proposals on the Next Generation of Climate Science in Europe for Oceans. Funding organisations from 9 countries are joining this call co-funded by the following countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Iceland#, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Portugal.
JPI OCEANS transnational call for proposals Sources, distribution & impact of microplastics in the marine environment
ANR participates in the 2nd call of JPI OCEANS on microplastics with funding organizations from Belgium [...] the marine environment. Through this new call, JPI Oceans is aiming to promote European and transatlantic
Belmont Forum and Future Earth co-branded Collaborative Research Action on Transdisciplinary Research for Ocean Sustainability
Belmont Forum, in collaboration with Future Earth and JPI Ocean, will launch on Autumn 2018 a call aiming at
Call for transnational research projects within the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR)
2020 Contact Virginie Mouchel Tel : + 33 (0)1 78