Research on open science practices and issues (AMI-SO)
The call for expressions of interest « Research on open science practices and issues » invites researchers to initiate a reflective and critical approach to observe and study their research practices in the context of open science. This AMI, which prepares for a future call for proposals, is open to all scientific communities.
Chairs of excellence in Biology and Health - 2023
The French Health Innovation Plan 2030 aims to return France to its position as leader in Biology and Health innovation. To reach the best international level, France must extend its commitment to the whole value chain, from basic Life Science research to translational and clinical health research, and support innovation. It must provide enough resources to attract or maintain nationally the world’s top researchers in their field. These researchers, who are leaders in Biology and Health research, will strive to make France a leader among countries capable of producing scientific knowledge, of generating innovation and encouraging Biotech and Medtech development to improve public health, attract international investments, and major health industrials.
NORFACE 2023 - Enhancing well-being for the future
The NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe) network announce a call for transnational social science projects on the theme "Enhancing Well-Being for the Future", with the support of CHANSE (Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe).
HERA 2023 Crisis – Perspectives from the Humanities
The Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) Network in collaboration with CHANSE (Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe) is launching a new call for proposals: “Crisis – Perspectives from the Humanities”. We wish to invite transnational consortia to submit proposals for humanities-led research under this theme. Proposed research may draw upon insights and methodologies from a wide spectrum of arts and humanities disciplines. Although humanities-driven, consortia can involve contributions from other research domains where appropriate.
Défi "Transfert robotique" - Appel à projets - 2023
Dans le cadre de France 2030, il est proposé d’accélérer le transfert de résultats de recherche en mettant en place un Défi « Transfert robotique ». Cet appel à projets proposera de faciliter la valorisation des résultats déjà acquis, issus des recherches amont et exploratoires ou d’acteurs émergents, afin de supporter le développement et l’intégration de solutions robotiques pour des filières à fort enjeux, dont l’industrie du futur. Ce défi permettra de disposer d’éléments objectifs pour mieux répondre à la question :
Open Research Area (ORA) for the Social Sciences 8th call for proposals
The eighth round of the Open Research Area (ORA) is based on an agreement between the Agence nationale de la Recherche (ANR; France), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; Germany), the Economic and Social Research Council of UK Research and Innovation (ESRC; the UK), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC; Canada).
PEPR Systèmes Alimentaires, Microbiome et Santé – Appel à projets « SAMS »
Afin de réduire le fardeau des maladies chroniques non transmissibles et de mieux adapter son alimentation, une meilleure compréhension des liens entre l’alimentation, les microbiomes et la santé humaines ainsi que des interactions entre les comportements de consommation, l’information fournie aux consommateurs et les modèles de production alimentaire sont indispensables et sont les principaux défis que le programme Systèmes alimentaires, microbiome et santé (SAMS) a été chargé d’aborder. Pour répondre à ces enjeux sociaux et sanitaires, le programme d'action du PEPR SAMS s'appuie sur deux piliers : le premier aborde les questions liées aux microbiomes et à la santé ; le second, les questions liées à la consommation et aux systèmes alimentaires durables. Le présent appel à projets vise à soutenir des projets de recherche originaux et innovants sur ces deux piliers, et à leur interface.
Climate change and Energetic transition : Impacts for Defence – Call for expressions of interest - 2023
The French National Research Agency (ANR), in collaboration with the French Defence Innovation Agency (AID), is launching the call for expression of interest “Climate change and Energetic transition : Impacts for Defence”. Applicants are invited to submit proposals to enhance knowledge about climate change and energy transition and their implications for Defence for one or more of these priorities:
Climate Change Impacts on Regional Ecosystems – Call for expression of interest
Although climate change is a global phenomenon, its influence on ecosystems varies from region to region depending on local specificities, giving rise to the need in accurate and cross-sectional knowledge on the consequences of climate change as a function of territorial characteristics.
Nature-based solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change – BiodivNBS (Biodiversa+ 2023-2024 Call)
Biodiversa+, the European Biodiversity Partnership under Horizon Europe, is pleased to announce the launch of a new transnational joint research call on Nature-Based Solutions for biodiversity, human well-being and transformative change (referred to as BiodivNBS).